Responses from schubert
Musical Fidelity A5 modded L 2: Is it worth it?? You said it yourself, if it breaks down you might just as well trash it. Personally, I don't like the odds.YMMV | |
KEF LS 50 in NE Ohio? I would say you are border line psycho to do that.KEF has always been a favorite of mine,but LS 50 is VERY in your face forward IMHO. A rocker period.Must be a reason dealer isn't stocking such a rave review item. | |
Help with Cambridge Audio CA seems to save all its QC for CD players. | |
Why is Dynaudio so much cheaper in Europe? One, they are made in Europe.Two, Europeans are well aware that the audiopile market in the USA is composed largely of suckers. | |
Linda Ronstadt can't sing anymore. She has had a better run thru life tham 99.8% of humans ever get.To every thing there is a season, he voice hasn't been much for years and I can't do a 50 mile forced march like I used to. | |
Merlin Master VSM Thanks for the great info fellas.I've never heard Merlins but always loved their look ! | |
Best of Both Worlds, Hybrid Amps . The Jolida 1501P hybid power amp,100w@8ohms- 200@4, is a good sounding amp,midrange harmonics are sweet, makes an excellent amp for Classical Music and is cheap. | |
How long do B&W 800 series speakers last Too long. | |
System for the hearing impaired Buconero117, your contributions on A'gon are invalueable, keep up the good work ! | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Yamaha does, but there not that stupid. | |
PMC vs. Salk Sound Speakers. Which is better? If you want to start a rock recording studio buy PMC, if you want to listen to acoustic music buy Salk . | |
Best Band of the Big Band Era ? Thanks Chayro, didn't think of that.Check out Doc Severinsen with Charlie's be-bop side from 1948, that's how he liked to play though " Cherokee" put them on the map. | |
Norah Jones She's what is called a "mike" singer, no mike, no sing. | |
5 best selling newish speaker brands in 2013? River251, many like Harbeth sound, not so many the price. | |
Tubes vs Solid State Csontos, I can't tell you how many people I've seen spend thousand on wire, carts etc to get rid of "harsh" high end on Symphonic music, when a 2 minute listen made it clear their amp was clipping.IMHO , you can't have too much power on a speaker ... |