Responses from schubert
Affordable SS amp that has tube characteristics New AVA Synergy450 is a killer, VERY good amp. | |
What three shelf stand should I purchase? Celtic66, what model Quad you get? I have a dealer near me. | |
How important is an audio rack? Just put isoblocks under everything. | |
I can't part with it; what should I do? Just keep it, wife may leave some day, PL12 will always be there. | |
What three shelf stand should I purchase? Whatever one you like, tell wifey to chill . | |
Massed strings and large choral groups He told you right, especially chorus in a large Cathedral setting, treble voices in English ones drive me nuts.Resolution is more a matter of a great amp with OK speakers than vice-versa. | |
Bryston BP-6 vs EE minimax pre ? Actually ,the EE is probaly the least "tubey' tube pre out there. A cameleon with different tubes but always more SS sounding. | |
Amp with RCA inputs CLOSE together. Thanks fellas, good info. | |
Amp + Speakers for a 13 ft X 10 ft room Silverline Minuets are THE bomb in a room that small. | |
Springfield, MO Be a real small club. | |
the viability of hi end companies Only need to sell 10pr of !00 K speakers a year world-wide to clear 500 K in a 3-4 person company where owner gets 80% of profit. | |
Best reasonably priced classic hi-end tuner Nikko Gamma series, esp analogue Gamma 1 | |
When speakers almost sound like the instruments Rather listen to a good amp thru so-so speakers than vice-versa.Of coutse rather listen to Lamm monoblocks thru Magico 5's. | |
best vintage stereo receiver Sansui 9090, hands down. | |
Amp, On A Budget? Personally, while the ST 140 is a sweet amp(had one) I would not run any amps that old on speakers I would mine loseing. |