the viability of hi end companies

it amazes me that there are so many companies selling audio components, given the small customer base, and poor economic conditions.

obvious the marketing approach is a factor, but if one depends upon sales of components for a livelihood, i am surprised that so many companies exist.

it seems the trend is direct marketing on the internet , low overhead, and sales providing a second, rather than primary income, as the way a company can survive. it still is a surprise that so many companies sell cable, digital components, amps, preamps and speakers.

one would think that the number of such companies would be shrinking rather than expanding.

any thoughts ?
Great points Jaxwired,
Your findings parallel mine and, I assume, most of us here.

The only successful model I've seen that sells high end, besides internet sellers, is Acoustic Image, in Studio City (just north of LA). Elliot Midwood sells directly out of his home, where he holds demos and receptions for the LA/OC Audio Society and I consider myself lucking enough to know him.

He used to have a salon on Ventura Blvd when times were good but scaled back to his home when things went bad. It's because of people like him that one can be afforded a real view into high end products.

There are others like him out there but they have to and should be sought out if we want, at least, this model to survive. Even if one can't afford high end products, they can steer you to great quality product and demo it for you as well.

As for good, old fashioned brick and mortar types, there still Shelly's Audio out in Woodland Hills who still sells great gear for those who have sensible wallets but still want great sound. But they compete with internet sellers with a customer base that knows their product and who can undercut them on the price. Here's to hoping they can hold out.

All the best,
Gotta be a tough business these days! My hat off to those who manage to succeed and carry on.
Only need to sell 10pr of !00 K speakers a year world-wide to clear 500 K in a 3-4 person company where owner gets 80% of profit.
"Who buys $50k products from two or three people operations?"

i suppose there is probably 20 out there somewhere if one can find them.