Responses from schubert
Jazz for aficionados | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Well rv , as a musician you can look at Bach’’s music far better than I .As a Lutheran believer I can look far deeper into his mind, which more than any other time, is laid out in the Cantata’s . | |
Classical Music for Aficionados If anyone wants to help a old man cross the street, would someone(s)explain to me what the Blue thing is and why it does what it does .Thank you . | |
Classical Music for Aficionados The cantatas are wonderful .If you are of a religious bent , fabulous .If you have a good grasp of German as well , you listen to the greatest things ever written . | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Not yet Jim , but I intend to Amazon it soon . I love Debussy and Rameau even more . I’ve don’t believe I ever heard a French composer that I did not like , been neglecting them of late , were there only 300 years of life for Classical Afiicionado... | |
Give Bach a try + 3 forOlafsson ! | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Schiff for starters .Vikingur Olafsson to end it . | |
Classical Music for Aficionados IF I see the name Barbirolli on anything I buy it . | |
Jazz vocalists which may not be as real as we think/imagine Krall had a voice once , is gone . | |
Give Bach a try Had a set for many years . Listening to a Bach Cantata is like saying several prayers . | |
Classical Music for Aficionados Why ? | |
signs that tubes need to be replaced Turn system on and listen for rush sound which = dying tune . | |
Best cartridge Up to a thousand bucks Nagoka . Hands down . | |
PS Audio BHK lacking.. Telefunkens are great on rock and most jazz .Often to harsh in treble for classical . | |
Best used speakers under $10000 Depends on what kind of music you listen and how long you listen to it .And your room . |