
Responses from schubert

Bagpipe Music
There are bagpipes and war pipes , the former usually being Irish, the later Scottish .My great-grandfather died in 1915 as a piper with the Scottish Black Watch Regiment which the Germans called ,The Ladies from Hell. in WW 1 . 
Cat Stevens.... Great Artist or Wacko?
Fairly good musician , bit flaky at times . 
Jazz for aficionados
Frogman , St Augustine of Hippo , the foremost theologian of Christianity , settled it . " Humility is an accurate assessment of yourself ".I know I am no musician and also know , with a nod towards Bach , that I have better taste than many of them . 
Jazz for aficionados
0-10 I imagine I have known more classical musicians than you have Jazz musicians , most world class .None of them were what frogman is, a walking encyclopedia of both genres and no doubt others as well . You can not become that as an act of ego.L... 
Jazz for aficionados
We all wish you well .    
Jazz for aficionados
Those 3 you posted were outstanding rok,  esp, that old school Baptist with Loretta Oliver !I choose a poor church that had little money but much  love showing in an original way .Amen  
Jazz for aficionados
rok, we know that God is everywhere , at all times and places, but I often think he perhaps spends a bit more energy on Sunday ’morn at the A.M.E churches of the south, like this one in MS. that worship him so wonderfully . 
Jazz for aficionados
In the opinion of believing Christians life is not over when your body dies.Death is the start , not the end .Though we all fear it , as a baby coming into the world does , crying .We also believe that God is Love itself and the Joy of life ,as he... 
Happy 80th Birthday Richard!!!
ALL people born between 1 July and 10 July  1940 are blessed by God . 
Jazz for aficionados
You got it frog . Croft is 3 things , musical. musical and musical ! I am close to dropping down 1500 $ for his 40 watt amp that goes with my pre .My large Quad S5 speakers 3 way with 4 drivers in front and 3 ABR in back are not easy to drive nor ... 
Jazz for aficionados
I bought a great Croft pre-amp with dials for both left and right sound because in a 850 sq ft Condo my placement choice is VERY limited .To a large extent solved the problem , Left speaker is a meter from wall ,Right is 6 meters . As frog said , ... 
Jazz for aficionados
In general I did not care for his arrogance .The clip I chose was when his voice was going and when the foot steps of the grim reaper had driven him, in humility , back to the Church .Hear that clip again , what was left was an artist who knew , a... 
Jazz for aficionados
True , or at least highly gifted . But Frank can sell a song better than her , A lot better .Caught this Mobley piece in car this AM , new to me . +Van Gelder sound ! dug this one up all by myself , really like it ... 
Victory at Sea - original LPs Vs Remastered LP or CD
First mono where /are iconic in sound and composition .  
Jazz for aficionados
To me , this classic speaks, a few mm down , of the plight of the several hundred thousand foreign students , from freshman to PhD, whose visas were voided by DC this July 6 , immediately, because their college’s and universities had with hard wor...