
Responses from scott22

If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear
It's for rich cats with a ton of disposable income for the rest of us as  PT Barnum is credited with saying There is a sucker born every minute. One observation reading posts here for a year or so it is my belief the audiophile community is fertil... 
Critical listening and altered states
I enjoy reading these posts to observe what must be altered states of many of the responders. 50 plus years ago I took a photography darkroom course. The professor would begin each class by placing someone's work from the previous class for us to ... 
Another GaN smaller integrated, Technics SU-G30 has everything bar the kitchen sink.
As noted before in my earlier post my SUG700 sounds awesome over my Canton 9k reference speakers' unbelievable detail and not bright or etched, except if pushed near clipping levels( speakers88dB) in any way. My headphone section using my Focals i... 
GaN based SU-R1000 Technics Integrated Class-D, review by TAS
georgehifi  Plus 1 I own the baby technics  SUG 700 integrated amp I picked up on here at a steep discount thank you very much to the seller. My only gripe I wish it had more power but really not needed in my system. The SUG700 is beautiful to loo... 
MC, Nice system your photos of it not so much they do not showcase its beauty.  
Nirvana sued over "Nevermind" cover photo
 Nevermind, his suit is a waste of time. 
The first system you had that was "high end/audiophile", by you standards
1980Snell c2 mark 2, Adcom GFA 555, GCD 500 and the adcom preamp tuner. That setup lasted me into 2019. Good enough for my ears and wallet equilibrium.  
I feel bad for GenX'ers that missed out on the 60s and 70s.
From Motown to the British invasion from booze to boo, from don't question authority to questioning authority,  from crew cut to long hair from bras to boobs, tight pants to bell bottoms. Are you kidding me there was never a better time for music ... 
What Integrated Amp do You use
Bought a Technics SUG700 here a year or so ago. The amp is beautiful both in looks, and sound or lack thereof, zero noise I mean dead silent running. The amp is very good but the companies Panasonic and it’s subsidiary Technics totally suck when i... 
My Apologies to Miller Carbon
First off as a new guy with no experience and a limited budget I found this site quite by accident and ended up purchasing my speakers and integrated amp here. Since then  I've been a regular reader and occasional responder.What I have observed is... 
My Apologies to Miller Carbon
MC has always been kind and helpful to me when asking my rookie questions.and his movie clips are fun. 
How many of you are digital only systems?
100% digital have no need for the hassle of analog recordings or tubes. Not saying some don't sound great. I learned my lesson when I was a kid my records had more pops than Rice Crispies, and My HH Scott receiver would burn tubes like matches. If... 
Buying used: how old is too old?
I buy all my gear used and the only negative surprise I ever had was not from the purchase but from Technic and the parent company Panasonic. I found out these companies could give a rats patoot about their customers. A word to the wise never buy ... 
Fraud and scam, how many of you are victims?
I buy used often, cars, HiFi, camera gear bikes and never have been ripped off. I attribute this to buying use locally and testing the gear. If there is a problem within a reasonable time ( it is used after all) I would knock on their door and the... 
Stratospheric audio gear prices
 It is conspicuous consumption.