
Responses from scott22

The Wilt Chamberlain of Audio Gear
The "big dipper" was like no other in one year he  averaged 50pts.,another averaged over 20 rebounds, and one year he even leads the league in assist no one not MJ,not Kareem nor Kobe, or James dominated like Wilt he could do anything he wanted on... 
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ??
Grand Funk Railroad in Philly 1968,69? small venue by the river. The speakers I do remember they were so big and LOUD and some guy, he had to be tripping, was on the edge of one shaking all over woo. He had to go deaf. They were so freakin deafeni... 
Suggest one obsure album we all should hear
Super Session; Bloomfield, Kopper and Stills 
Do You Care About AESTHETICS? What Are Your Gear/Listening Room Preferences?...
"It must look good to sound good."   Ricardo Montalbán  
What did your system look like 30 years ago?
Snell C-2 Mk. 2 AdcomGCD 575 cd playerAdcom GFA 555 AmpAdcom GTP 400 Preamp/tuner 
Does Age Matter?
74Digitalcost convenience  
For auld lang syne, ..high-end companies you really liked that are gone....
             Snell Acoustics 
The Curious Case of the Technics Integrated Digital Amplifier
I own the SUG 700 while 70 watts a side it can deliver more. It is driving my canton 9k stand mounted speakers in my small to medium not ideal room ie family room sooo filled with plants chairs couch windows etc.I gotta say so far it is wonderful ... 
I love sad music
 Beatles: She's leaving home, In my life, Elinor Rigby, Yesterday of their many sad songs grip me when down.Especially in my life.  The one that gets me to cry every time   Erik Satie - Gymnopédies So simple so intenseAnother classic tear-jerker ... 
Opening Record Store
Great advice has been given. 
Woojer headphone are they opening a new branch of the audiophile tree?
It would not be my cup of tea as it stands, but you never know where technology can take us, or how long it will take. Heck, I'm still waiting on the orgasmatron from Sleeper to hit the market.   
Woojer headphone are they opening a new branch of the audiophile tree?
douglas_schroeder I'm talking about its potential not where it is now but what it could be.  
Should I still buy a CD player? Suggest one?
Heck yes I bought 600 classical used CDs  Telarc, Deutch Gramaphone, Sony classical for $100 showing zero wear. I bought 100 jazz cds for a buck apiece again all the big names playing and singing. I'm retired and new to this hobby and my funds are... 
The cost of LP's and CD's - an observation
Well I just bought 650 CDs in pristine condition for.30 each Telarc, Sony Classic, Deutch Gramophone, London, recordings of all the classical big guns performed by the big guns. I Have had a similar event with Jazz CDs picked up 100 CDs at a dolla... 
Your favorite 'concept' album
Sgt. Peppers The Wall