Responses from scott22
Interesting thought Perhaps it is the technology and the vast choices that are competing for their leisure time. Photography is suffering much the same fate with iphones replacing cameras and preset replace postprocessing.Times they are ah changing er ah have changed... | |
Is $2,844 too much to pay for a fuse? It is Nuts though if your rich it is still nuts. | |
What is the actual percentage of people exclusively listening to vinyl vs digital? I could give a rats patoot what folks listen to. I listen to CDs and my wife the former exclusively the latter on occasion. GOTTA GO Yes Dear whatever you say... | |
I must be old Tomic is spot on the goal is listening to music the way you want.I see again the discussion of listening vs science was pulled. It should be a synergistic interaction and not two diametrically opposed views. As Rodney King said why can't we all ju... | |
attenuation Brief correction the cantons are 120/200 watt range in power handeling. | |
attenuation Tomic thanks for this advice you are correct it is all about compromise I'll side for now with the ability to use my attenuator options as I can't hear any distortion.I believe a big part of our problem is we take ourselves too seriously.Case in p... | |
attenuation Russ Thanks just needed reaffirmation that it does not add any distortion. MC as always you are quick to help rookies with your insightful thoughts.To answer your question both. The 20 dB lets me make finer adjustments with the other. But I'm con... | |
Is louder better? All I know there is a wife's dinner's ready loud and an after-dinner loud. Before dinner, I find myself slowly cranking up the volume to whatever my head calls for at that moment, then returning after dinner that predinner level is way too loud. | |
A strange business model for audio If I remember correctly in Tom Peter’s book in search of excellence he said the best corporations had three driving characteristics they took care of their employees, customers, and their local community while in pursuit of profit. Such a culture ... | |
A strange business model for audio Philgo you are spot on. I try to avoid the conglomerates in favor of local small operations. the big corporations, in general, could give a rats patoot about the consumer. Unfortunately, when it comes to big-ticket items above my means I must go t... | |
A strange business model for audio Perhaps Billy Crystal's best piece of wisdom so enjoy the music regardless how loud. | |
New-ish to Audiogon Forums... Is it always like this? I found this site by accident roughly 6m ago. I was looking for good used at a reasonable price. I know zip about equipment or room effects etc. but I like to listen to music. What I found heartwarming in these dark times was the willingness of m... | |
Anyone have the Answer? OK time for a new guy with limited audio knowledge to ask a stupid question or two to try to get some elementary understanding as I am obviously missing something. if you turn up the volume to the max while not playing music and hear nothing -0- f... | |
The Biggest Album Release of All Time... U2 4MePeppers no doubt. The ambiance in anticipation of Sgt. Peppers 20 college joes crammed in a room with AR speakers, dual turntable, HH Scott amp, and an oz. of homegrown Flemington flash, unforgettable a half-century later. | |
List your System Ingredients: Listed most to least expensive, by list price or price paid used; Speakers (including sub), integrated amp, cd player, speaker cables.New; Speakers (including sub), integrated amp, cd player, speaker cables.In my system, if you included the source material my cd collection would rank first lol. |