Responses from sfar
Linn CLassik connections.... Jeffloistarca is right. You can buy the connectors from a Linn dealer, if I remember correctly they were about $4 each, and attach them yourself to whatever speaker cable you want. The mechanical connection is pretty straightforward. I'd recommend... | |
Any gillian welch fans? When I went to the CD store to buy one of hers, after having heard a cut I couldn't remember the title of on the radio, I stood at the rack trying to decide whether to go for "Hell Among the Yearlings" or "The Revelator" since I didn't know anythi... | |
Shipping company for speakers- any good or bad one I've had really good experience with BAX Global:http://www.baxglobal.com/US.aspThey won't pick up from a residence, only from a business address, but the service and prices are great. | |
need a $200-$300 interim amp If you want something easy to find and good value I'd suggest any of the Rotel amps that are in your price range. There are a couple of RB980BX's on Audiogon now that would probably do the trick. | |
Add a/b switch? How to run 2nd pair of speakers? Another option is to add a small second power amp to your setup and either split the pre-amp output with a Y-adapter or, as in the case of the McCormack, use your second set of pre-outs to go to the second amp. If you look around on the used sites... | |
Pipe music to kitchen For a similar setup, I have a Yamaha MX-35 power amp connected to the second set of outputs on my McCormack preamp. The Yamaha is very small and unobtrusive, has two sets of speakers terminals and plenty of power to drive small pairs of dining roo... | |
What does + or - in speaker binding translate to? With many cables the color coding will be different and it doesn't really matter whether they're black and red or white and red or some other combination entirely. The same is true for the symbols on the speakers and the amp. All that really matte... | |
Looking for a Shotgun... Leftistelf, I'm extremely impressed with the Silverline speaker cable. With my setup it provides a very detailed, open sound but but much greater bass extension, as well. The only direct comparison I have is with the single-wire DH Labs T-14 in a ... | |
Looking for a Shotgun... I've been very happy with a Silverline Audio Conductor shotgun configuration used between a McCormack amp and ProAc speakers. Retail was $535, I think, for the 8' shotgun pair. | |
Hsu VTF-2 I recently bought one for use with ProAc Studio 150's and have been very pleased. I've never had another sub so can't give you any useful comparisons but after a little experimentation with the placement, gain and crossover I feel like I'm getting... | |
What preamp with McCormack DNA-125? If the RLD-1 is out of your price range you should consider the McCormack TLC-1. They are quite easy to find used and about half the price of an RLD-1. It's a very highly regarded pre-amp that's a natural match for the McCormack amps. | |
Linn's Ninka speaker: Anyone heard it?? It's worth the trouble to biwire them. The stock cables that came with them weren't quite long enough for the permanent installation (and my friend thought they were ugly) and she didn't want to spend very much for wire. I bought some bulk Canare ... | |
Linn's Ninka speaker: Anyone heard it?? I helped a friend buy a pair of used Ninkas for use with a Linn Classik and have listened to them quite a bit. They're very easy to listen to and absolutely beautiful to look at. She's thrilled. I'd agree completely with Soix's observations about ... | |
Is it worth to buy a McCormack SST-1 & DAC-1?? I'm surprised that the remote isn't a part of what you're being offered with the SST-1. Mine came with it but, as I said, I bought it used and wasn't dealing with options from a dealer and I just assumed all the SST's came with the remote.It contr... | |
Is it worth to buy a McCormack SST-1 & DAC-1?? I own both, bought them used here on Audiogon and am very, very happy with the sound. They replaced a Marantz 63se used as a transport and a Parasound DAC. The improvement was amazing, particularly considering that the cost of both used was only a... |