Responses from sfar
Best Budget Preamp, whats out there? A great choice would be a McCormack TLC-1. It's designed to fit perfectly with the 0.5 and can be found for $300-350. | |
Great country music recording There are a lot of great suggestions here and since everyone else is ignoring your pedal steel requirement, I will, too. Asking for coutry music suggestions is like asking for classical music suggestions, you'll get everything from Satie to Wagner... | |
What's under your bookshelf speakers? If damaging the finish on your speakers is an issue, be careful with the Isoblocks. I've used a set in the past and, while they do provide good isolation, the black rubber left unremovable marks on both the bottoms of the speakers and a hardwood f... | |
need a dvd player recommendation.. The Philips 963 is a good choice. Retail price is $499 but it's available for less than $400 online. It's a single disc player, both very nice video and CD performance. | |
What's under your bookshelf speakers? I use sorbothane pads, available from an Audiogon member here. I haven't compared them directly to any other isolation device but, if it's isolation you're interested in, sorbothane is the usual prescription for an inexpensive solution and these a... | |
System for a dorm - how is this? The suggestion of the Philips 963 DVD/CD player is a good one if you've also got any interest at all in video. I helped a coworker put together a system recently that she's very happy with, the 963, a pair of the Soliloquy 5.0's I recommended abov... | |
System for a dorm - how is this? One of the best bets for inexpensive speaker cable is Canare StarQuad 4s11 or 4s8, available from markertek.com, especially if you want to bi-wire a speaker like the Soliloquy's. Click here and then click the links on the leftMarkertek's pro audio... | |
System for a dorm - how is this? Some other budget recommendations, in addition to the excellent ones you're already considering- The Music Hall CD-25 sounds remarkable for the money, I don't know that it's better than the Rotel, though- B&W DM303 speakers, at the same retail... | |
Stands for Soliloquy 5.0 Monitors They are pads, you can find them here from another Audiogoner, Zonus. | |
Stands for Soliloquy 5.0 Monitors I've got my 5.0's on Sanus Steel Foundations 22" stands, filled with sand and with the speakers sitting on sorbothane pads. The bass is de-emphasized a bit compared to direct coupling the speakers but I'm using a subwoofer with them so that isn't ... | |
Newbie with $1500 and a wife pushing for Bose If part of the compromise you're looking for is the simplicity of one-stop-shopping you can get many of the advantages your wife might be looking for and better sound by going with one of the package set-ups from Cambridge SoundworksYou undoubtedl... | |
speaker suggestions for modest arcam alpha system Underwood Hifi has some new Soliloquy 5.0's listed here on Audiogon for $500 (originally $1,100) and at that price they're an amazing bargain. They're extremely well built and have a sweet, solid sound that's very satisfying. I'm not affiliated wi... | |
which McCormack amp for Paradigm Studio 60s? I've owned the McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe and used it and a Hsu VTF-2 with several pair of speakers, ProAcs, Thiels and Soliloquys. I can't imagine that the 0.5 wouldn't be more than adequate for the Paradigms and at current used prices the 0.5 is a... | |
Did you ever just want to simplify? .Do it. I've just gone through that process, replacing a stack of separates on a big rack and floorstanders with a one-box cd player, monitors and (gasp!) a receiver. It's a more satisfying system in several ways. It doesn't dominate the room or, ... | |
Audiophile extension power cable? One option would be to build your own. I've made up some power cables using this stuff: Belden 19364 and some Marinco plugs from Parts Express that were easy to put together (no soldering) and worked very well. |