

Responses from sfar

Best Budget Preamp, whats out there?
A great choice would be a McCormack TLC-1. It's designed to fit perfectly with the 0.5 and can be found for $300-350. 
Great country music recording
There are a lot of great suggestions here and since everyone else is ignoring your pedal steel requirement, I will, too. Asking for coutry music suggestions is like asking for classical music suggestions, you'll get everything from Satie to Wagner... 
What's under your bookshelf speakers?
If damaging the finish on your speakers is an issue, be careful with the Isoblocks. I've used a set in the past and, while they do provide good isolation, the black rubber left unremovable marks on both the bottoms of the speakers and a hardwood f... 
need a dvd player recommendation..
The Philips 963 is a good choice. Retail price is $499 but it's available for less than $400 online. It's a single disc player, both very nice video and CD performance. 
What's under your bookshelf speakers?
I use sorbothane pads, available from an Audiogon member here. I haven't compared them directly to any other isolation device but, if it's isolation you're interested in, sorbothane is the usual prescription for an inexpensive solution and these a... 
System for a dorm - how is this?
The suggestion of the Philips 963 DVD/CD player is a good one if you've also got any interest at all in video. I helped a coworker put together a system recently that she's very happy with, the 963, a pair of the Soliloquy 5.0's I recommended abov... 
System for a dorm - how is this?
One of the best bets for inexpensive speaker cable is Canare StarQuad 4s11 or 4s8, available from markertek.com, especially if you want to bi-wire a speaker like the Soliloquy's. Click here and then click the links on the leftMarkertek's pro audio... 
System for a dorm - how is this?
Some other budget recommendations, in addition to the excellent ones you're already considering- The Music Hall CD-25 sounds remarkable for the money, I don't know that it's better than the Rotel, though- B&W DM303 speakers, at the same retail... 
Stands for Soliloquy 5.0 Monitors
They are pads, you can find them here from another Audiogoner, Zonus. 
Stands for Soliloquy 5.0 Monitors
I've got my 5.0's on Sanus Steel Foundations 22" stands, filled with sand and with the speakers sitting on sorbothane pads. The bass is de-emphasized a bit compared to direct coupling the speakers but I'm using a subwoofer with them so that isn't ... 
Newbie with $1500 and a wife pushing for Bose
If part of the compromise you're looking for is the simplicity of one-stop-shopping you can get many of the advantages your wife might be looking for and better sound by going with one of the package set-ups from Cambridge SoundworksYou undoubtedl... 
speaker suggestions for modest arcam alpha system
Underwood Hifi has some new Soliloquy 5.0's listed here on Audiogon for $500 (originally $1,100) and at that price they're an amazing bargain. They're extremely well built and have a sweet, solid sound that's very satisfying. I'm not affiliated wi... 
which McCormack amp for Paradigm Studio 60s?
I've owned the McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe and used it and a Hsu VTF-2 with several pair of speakers, ProAcs, Thiels and Soliloquys. I can't imagine that the 0.5 wouldn't be more than adequate for the Paradigms and at current used prices the 0.5 is a... 
Did you ever just want to simplify?
.Do it. I've just gone through that process, replacing a stack of separates on a big rack and floorstanders with a one-box cd player, monitors and (gasp!) a receiver. It's a more satisfying system in several ways. It doesn't dominate the room or, ... 
Audiophile extension power cable?
One option would be to build your own. I've made up some power cables using this stuff: Belden 19364 and some Marinco plugs from Parts Express that were easy to put together (no soldering) and worked very well.