
Responses from sgordon1

Stealth Audio
Kiss your cable goodbye.Let go of your worry, it is servingno good purpose, is it? 
CD Treatment
You have only been playing lps though, right?The cds are in boxes, in the basement, and thepandemic is bringing out your adventurous side.SERIOUSLY? 
Older And Wiser or just Tighter and Deafer?
Since you likely don't know your life expectancy,or whatever unexpected "financial surprises" are along the way:establish a minimum number for the inheritance.Set it aside and mark it as untouchable.Everything you leave, over and above this, is a ... 
Theta Compli Question
Any luck with this? 
Wolf Ear Audio
HOPE is not a plan.Get after him, right away!(Pretend you have been wronged.) 
How far away from your speakers are you?
You can sit in one space for years.  And then get the ideaof moving just an inch or two closer to the speakers.And everything changes, magically. 
Wolf Ear Audio
"Ordered a preamp" means he has your money,in addition to your trust?  Do you have his homeaddress and phone, yet? 
Theta Compli Question
What did Pioneer say when you contacted themand asked for the model name/number?  
Need help in trying to trace cause of distortion
Suggestion: no music for three whole days.Clear your head, clear your ears.If you agree that "what you pay attention to, expands"the time off can allow the problem to go away, or atleast, for you to listen anew without paying specialattention to "... 
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
Neodymium magnets seem to enhance the effects of the Gate.In an open breaker box, I have cut a strip of anE+ mat and used double sided tape to stick it tothe side of the Gate that faces the room.The small barrel shaped magnets are sitting on the m... 
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
There are threads on DIY hfts... 
Miracles in Audio, by luck, by good choices,by design or by tweaking...
I just posted great results with three S.G.s (usb versions)and 10 foot cables.  I found a plug online that has 3 ports.Too easy!I have both Synergistic Research hfts and DIY hfts.Placing one hft in the middle of the S.G. is very nice.Maybe I shoul... 
FEQ and Schumann Devices
I started with one FEQ and two Schumanns in the room.Then I bought three Schumanns (Ebay), the size of baseball cards.Placed them in a triangle on the wall behind my speakers.The middle piece about 7' height, the others at 6'.Dividing the back wal... 
Synergistic HFT’s with Martin Logan’s
Andew, check out Black Ice (Jolida)Foz SS-X Sound Stage Expander! 
You know you've been thinking about speaker placement too much when...
Have you ever read Descartes' "Meditations?"