After many hours of listening in my 2 position: nearfield and the regular one the audible effects of the 2 new added Schumann generators + thin golden plate+ tourmaline or Herkimer diamond are evident...
The sound is more airy and less linked to the speakers than ever, like floating in the room or around me in nearfield...More refine sound....
The way to go is USB S.G. because it is cheap and you can put many of them around you (10 for me) and then they work more powerfully on the room acoustics in this way than only one in a not so ideal location....Think about that: for 20 bucks I have something, these 2 new S.G. that feel like the upgrade of an amplifier or like a new dac ….I change no piece of my main gear tough for 2 years now, only adds each times something to refine the controls of my 4 embeddings mostly the electrical one and the acoustical one....
And in most threads now people speak about dac costing a truck load of money or amplifier or speakers without knowing the simple way to upgrade and install rightfully what they already own that is often already top of the line …
The fact that they are not satisfied by the sound they already have speak volume about the lacks of the right embedding for their audio system, if they care about the 4 embeddings at all...For the last 2 years I am no more interested in a sound savior incarnated by a "miraculous" trade mark new brand speakers, dac, or amplifiers....I know what makes any good hi-fi system truly really great....It is cheap and rewarding...
I feel like a fool reading and answering my own posts.... :)
After many hours of listening in my 2 position: nearfield and the regular one the audible effects of the 2 new added Schumann generators + thin golden plate+ tourmaline or Herkimer diamond are evident...
The sound is more airy and less linked to the speakers than ever, like floating in the room or around me in nearfield...More refine sound....
The way to go is USB S.G. because it is cheap and you can put many of them around you (10 for me) and then they work more powerfully on the room acoustics in this way than only one in a not so ideal location....Think about that: for 20 bucks I have something, these 2 new S.G. that feel like the upgrade of an amplifier or like a new dac ….I change no piece of my main gear tough for 2 years now, only adds each times something to refine the controls of my 4 embeddings mostly the electrical one and the acoustical one....
And in most threads now people speak about dac costing a truck load of money or amplifier or speakers without knowing the simple way to upgrade and install rightfully what they already own that is often already top of the line …
The fact that they are not satisfied by the sound they already have speak volume about the lacks of the right embedding for their audio system, if they care about the 4 embeddings at all...For the last 2 years I am no more interested in a sound savior incarnated by a "miraculous" trade mark new brand speakers, dac, or amplifiers....I know what makes any good hi-fi system truly really great....It is cheap and rewarding...
I feel like a fool reading and answering my own posts.... :)