

Responses from simonmoon

Putting speakers next to other speakers
From experience, I know it is a compromise for both sets of speakers.Bass not be as tight on both sets, imaging and soundstage will not be as good.But if you do it, make sure you stagger them, so each pair has an inside and an outside speaker. Cha... 
Speaker engineering and design
its only one speaker designers opinions. Every designer thinks his method is best. Oh bloody hell...Since you think that good speaker designers', knowledge, methods, testing, etc, is so meaningless, and a scam, time for you to put up or shut u... 
Speaker engineering and design
Big fan of Danny's vids. He is indeed knowledgeable and helpful. 
I use a 12" unipivot arm with no anti-skate adjustment, and I have zero audible inner groove distortion.I am using a vintage NOS Fidelity Research MC with a line contact stylus. 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
I do not believe it makes a difference. Just expectation bias. But my cousin swears by them.He has tested quite a few different types. He likes those porcelain ceramic insulators. They can be found for a lot less money than the ones made for audio... 
Go Active Crossover or Upgrade existing XOs?
It was recently suggested to me that rather than doing a crossover upgrade I look into an active crossover for my Tannoy FSMs. Anyone experienced enough to guide me? What advantages does active provide? Even if you get the crossover points and slo... 
Best speakers out there for Midrange and Highs
Nothing beats electrostatics for mids and highs. This is, more or less, what I was going to say. Electrostatic mids and highs are pretty much unparalleled with regards to air.. However, can’t help thinking about the obvious - that I am waisting ... 
Why no “Break in” period?
Electronics do not have a break in period. You are only accommodating to the sound of your system. This is also my thoughts.For those that believe there is a break in period of electronics, please explain:1. What is actually happening electron... 
The midi range, not the tweeter, is the most important driver in a speaker.
Is anyone still responding to Kinjit? They are too revealing not distorting. They are used by the best recording studios. They could choose any speaker they like. This is incorrect.They are hardly used anymore at all. They have been surpassed by ... 
Does anyone play two pairs of speakers at the same time?
Running 2 pairs of dissimilar speakers at the same time is such a bad idea, in a stereo system. Especially in the high frequencies.Not sure if the OP is talking about stacking them, or playing them on 4 different walls, but either way, not good.Pe... 
Broken hearted...magnepan and vandersteen
Call Jim Salk at Salk Audio. His Song3 Encores at $6,000 sound incredible. Listened to them at RMAF and they were by far the best speakers under $20,000. Jim sells direct, but uses the best speakers and his cabinet workmanship is custom and r... 
Are there any current high end dipole speakers (dynamic)?
Pure Audio Project.http://www.pureaudioproject.com/ This was my immediate thoughts.Really fantastic speakers, and upgradable. Talk about a disappearing act... Trio15TB - $4000.00 Trio15 HeilAMT - $5000.00 
First order/Time Phase-Coherent speakers discussions
It’s like saying humans come from chimps since they share 90% genetic content with us, but we can’t find any missing links or evidence. Not to derail the thread, but I just can't let an ignorant comment like this go by without comment. We did ... 
Moving speakers from downstairs to upstairs, degrading ?
I have to agree with the majority, suspended floors sound worse than concrete slabs. I can speak from experience. Bass will sound flabby compared to slabs. Decoupling the speakers from the floor is your best bet. 
So many great golden era DD tables out there, what do you recommend for $1000?
I’m also very late to the thread, but I will still make a recommendation.The Teac TN-400. These are completely unrelated to the modern Teac TT’s with the same model number. This was a table designed to compete with the Technics SP-10 and was sold ...