

Responses from sleepwalker65

Cartridge new or used ?
There are many dishonest people on fleabay and you have no way of telling before you commit to purchasing, because fleabay protects its insider club sellers by doctoring the feedback info that’s published.  
Mounting a cartridge
The Shure SFG-2 has worked perfectly for dozens of years, and unlike no-name electronic devices, will never go out of calibration unless the Earth’s gravitational force changes substantially. Its graduations are in 0.05g increments, and don’t be f... 
what to do with a 25 POUND subwoofer magnet-- broken intermezzo basket
Subwoofers are for rappers.  
Is this the end of HEA?
Okie dokie, this thread has deteriorated to @geoffkait‘s habitual name-calling and other troll behaviors. Was it expecting too much for him to act civilly for 2019? 
Akai 747 w/DBX question
dbx type II noise reduction is just that, besides preserving more of the source dynamic range than Dolby NR, it also lowers the noise floor substantially (10db iirc). You don’t need to have in-built dbx circuitry on any tape deck to benefit from i... 
Cartridge new or used ?
Wanting a used cartridge is like wanting to eat used food. Not my choice. ‘Nuff said. 
Mounting a cartridge
First thing is, what turntable and cartridge are you using? Depending on that, there may be little to do (with a Technics turntable and conventional Technics arm, use the provided offset gauge, then with a Shure SFG-2, set the tracking force to sp... 
Why don't all phono preamps include a rumble filter?
Rumble is mechanical (audible and inaudible) noise transmitted to the LP due to inadequate decoupling between the LP and the platter and drive mechanism. Rumble can be mitigated by the combination of well-balanced motor (electrically and mechanica... 
How To Utilize A Phono Preamp Board As Stand Alone
Wall warts are terrible power supplies. If you go the route of canibalizing a phono stage, at least build a proper linear power supply with quality components with enough capacity to exceed the requirements. A better choice would would be an off t... 
Hum in a phono cartridge?
A phono cartridge ground loop could come into existence if the cartridge body is not electrically isolated from the headshell / tonearm assembly, _AND_ one of the negative polarity right or left cartridge terminals is bonded to the cartridge body.  
Why don't all phono preamps include a rumble filter?
@louisl I believe the “rumble” you are experiencing is due to sound waves acting on the wall, where it is a moving diaphragm, transmitting the low frequency impulses back to the turntable, which has inadequate isolation. If you can move the speake... 
Is this the end of HEA?
@michaelgreenaudio Watching the pendulum swing from expensive, high mass and complicated back to simplicity, low mass and thoughtful is exciting.The author of the bleak but futuristic “Idiocracy” was spot-on. The days of simplicity are long gone, ... 
Is this the end of HEA?
@glupson geoffkait,You are partially right. By far, the largest number of people who listen to music are doing it on low-mass systems, namely cell phones. They are connected to some kind of ear/headphones or, at home, to Bluetooth speakers or simi... 
Relative component value to overall SQ.
Speakers 70%Speaker cables 10%Amp 15%Amp power cord 0%Interconnect cables 1%Pre-Amp 1%Pre-amp power cord 0%Interconnect cables (to source) 2%Room optimization 1% 
Have you had enough of Classic Rock?
@cleeds That's incorrect, and you're not even close. Umm, I don’t think so. I’ve been a subscriber since the beginning of XM. You are mistaken. If you did listen to SiriusXM, you’d know what I’m telling you is there truth.