
Responses from sns

Is the microwave the perfect model for audio marketting?
Streaming software can be a steep learning curve, probably why some won't embrace streaming. I went diy route with the hardware, custom nearly everything, loved the challenge. Plug n play route also available on hardware side, can't avoid the soft... 
Why isn’t more detail always better?
Last night's listening session with this thread in mind. So I did the usual and let Roon shuffle auto play my library, so this means all manner of musical genres and recording quality played back to back.   Deficient recording sound recordings f... 
The end of physical media is neigh
AI is more efficient, greater efficiencies leads to greater productivity, greater productivity leads to greater profitability. We should embrace AI, gonna make us all richer.   Sorry about your luck, Be careful what you wish for. Talk about repl... 
Signalyst HQPlayer - Is it worth the upgrade?
I run Roon core on custom server using Euphony operating system. Euphony has the ability to run HQPlayer inside Roon in both 30 minute free trials or purchased full version. In my setup I prefer running Roon sans HQPlayer in 'bridged' mode, where ... 
How do you decide what to listen to? Same old stuff?
+1 mapman.   I have a large library of both Qobuz, Tidal steams, and at least 3k cd rips, Roon shuffle/random play either within genres or total collection. More than enough music here for a lifetime.   For new additions, mostly get this from ... 
Tom Evans Phono Preamp Repair
I watched the video prior to all the hubbub. I've done a lot of modding over 30 years, those internals are ridiculously poor, guy got exposed.  I wouldn't even care about sound quality with these units, lack of reliability inevitable here.  
Why isn’t more detail always better?
More detail being retrieved  is due to lower noise floor, my position is this is an inherently good thing. My take is why would one want to obscure music with higher noise floor, noise floors are comprised of electronic artifacts, resonances in eq... 
Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible?
Denafrips has online manuals, I printed out my Gaia manual, it has pinout chart which I've matched up with both my Laiv Harmony and Musetec 006. As for internal vs external clock, internal clock in Gaia far superior to both my dacs, sync and async... 
Test tones through Qobuz, is this possible?
Don't need test tones, user manuals for my dacs and ddc have pin configurations, match them up good to go.  
It Was Twenty Years Ago Today!
I've been long aware of missing much from those years, growing up in a crazy time and place does that to you. Still, I can remember many peak experiences at the many concerts I attended over the years. Living in an area with multiple universities ... 
How does sound influence your appreciation?
How can any audiophile not discern, appreciate sound quality of their systems. I doubt its possible for us to listen without at least some part of our minds appreciating the sound quality vs just listening in music appreciation mode.   I'd sugge... 
Discerning a difference between streamers is difficult...only me or common for all?
My experience with streamers have all been custom builds, learning from 'expert' members over at Audiophlestyle forum. Each has had unique sound qualities that were easily heard. Over time I discovered power supplies most greatly impacted sound qu... 
Furutech Flux50 NCF shoutout
I use mine to good effect on my 845 SET amp. Tried many power conditioners with amps over the years, always no go for me, transients always impacted, Flux 50 only means to decrease AC line noise with 845 amps and my 104db Klipschorns.  
How does sound influence your appreciation?
When my systems were less resolving and/or had specific issues I needed to tightly control my choices of which recordings to listen to. With ever increasing resolving capabilities I find myself most enjoying letting Roon auto play from my huge lib... 
Enough is Enough
Seems to me audiophiles with quality systems very aware their systems high quality, some audio salesman stating its low quality speaks volumes as to their character and/or lack of knowledge, you should be educating that salesman and/or dealer.