
Responses from sns

First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
Streaming is a very good word for this method of transmitting music in that one can make a very good analogy to a stream of water, any contamination upstream will affect water downstream.   I've found clocking extremely important for network, us... 
Should I add a DDC?
I2S cables should be kept as short as possible, .5M or shorter best. I2S was never designed to transmit via cable such that theoretical best position for clock is just prior to I2S path in dac. Ed Meitner of EMM Labs explains this issue for those ... 
Should I add a DDC?
Number of issues on purchasing ddc for I2S. Very few streamers offer I2S output so in these cases ddc required for using I2S. Another concern is quality of clocks in ddc vs dac. If dac internal clock is equal to or better than ddc clock you're not... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
I've optimized every single thing in my streaming setup from modem to dac, every single piece of equipment (each piece has been comparison tested vs others) using lps, top flight cabling (also comparison tested) which means ethernet, optical usb, ... 
Six DAC Comparison
Rockna, Mola Mola Tambaqui couple more dacs with I2S.  
Six DAC Comparison
Agree with debjit_g, implementation is key. No doubt some optimized usb can be superior to less than optimized I2S. I've tried a wide variety of usb optimizations over the years, some better than others, same with dac implementation of usb. I'd su... 
Should I add a DDC?
Another thread here addressing the same. I won't go into detail as I did on other thread, so in a word, yes, and get the OXCO clock Hermes or Gaia.  
DAC shopping - Trying to sift through the Hype. Can I trust the reviews these days ??
I'd suggest anyone with I2S capable dac to procure a ddc or I2S capable streamer with OXCO clock, slave/sync this clock to dac. You will get greater resolution/transparency and possibly even more important a much more analog like presentation vs a... 
Would a DDC (Denafrips Iris) improve my system?
Going from an extremely optimized usb chain to I2S via Gaia was a profound change for the better. I2S has a number of inherent advantages vs. usb and those advantages should become manifest with the proper I2S setup.   I'd suggest at least the H... 
DAC shopping - Trying to sift through the Hype. Can I trust the reviews these days ??
So how many dac suggestions do we have here on this thread alone? Anyone shopping for a dac should be confused.   My overall take on dacs, this based on countless reviews, opinions and my own listening, is that digital as it pertains to A to D a... 
DAC shopping - Trying to sift through the Hype. Can I trust the reviews these days ??
No one claiming usb noisy, just that I2S has a number of inherent advantages. I also don't doubt an optimized usb setup could  be superior to a less than optimal I2S setup.  I used usb exclusively for years without complaint, discovered I2S simply... 
DAC shopping - Trying to sift through the Hype. Can I trust the reviews these days ??
If you want to believe its only hype than it is. On the other hand, perhaps the reviews are honest opinions. Agree that I2S superior to usb, I2S native signal path in dac's, and segregated legs for data and clock another advantage. Both the Harmo... 
Faint buzz in speakers
Level of regulation and filtering in power supplies matters, this in regard to resistance to possible external sources of noise as mentioned above. And the more efficient one's speakers are, the more they may expose noise. For instance, I have 104... 
More potential bad news for some big names...
On one hand I can see high end audio in decline, on the other I see this as a golden age of audio. Recently I've been reading through some of my 1980-90's era Stereophile mags, fears about the decline of audio existent then just as today. There ha... 
another one passes.
Pete Sinfield, haven't heard that name in years. "Song of the Sea Goat "from his album "Still" Memories from the old stony days.