
Responses from sns

Lack of bass with SP-9 MK3
I've had my SP9 MKII sitting around for years, everytime I've brought it out for listening disappointed by lack of bass, and that is installed into any system! The thing just sounds as Newbee and Thorman state. I've tried many tubes, they aren't g... 
2A3 vs. 845
Yes, I would agree you are not comparing apples to apples here. Way too many variables make a valid comparison very difficult. I've owned $1500 monoblock 2a3 amps and am presently running an $8k 845 stereo amp, no comparison, each does completely ... 
Euphoric tube amp sound?
Some of the older model Conrad Johnsons. MV55 certainly has the euphoric sound down. 
The wall behind me.
My experience suggests using a combo of absorption and diffusion. All absorption could makes things too dead and all diffusion could makes things too lively, you will have to experiment. I have used various combinations of echobusters, doublebuste... 
Are DIY Cables Worth It?
Just found this thread today, sorry about the delay. I'm still in the midst of auditioning the CheLa cable with my Art Audio Carissa Sig. and Merlin VSM-MM w/ superbam. Thus far in direct comparison (within present setup) I prefer the CHela to Syn... 
Cables for Merlin VSM-MXe speakers
I agree the Golden Refs are very synergistic with the Merlins (at least with the interconnects and reportedly the speaker cables as well). I am currently using the Synergistic Signature 10 (top copper cable in Synergistic lineup, single run with t... 
BPT vs. Hydra 8- Your thoughts?
Tvad, I've found the same using the GFCI outlets. As usual, preferences are all about synergy. 
BPT vs. Hydra 8- Your thoughts?
I also preferred the BPT 3.5 sig over the Hydra 8. The Hydra sounded a little dark with rolled off highs in my system. On the other hand I do use the Hydra 4 on my digital, none of that darkness. Perhaps the Fesi and copper of the Hydra 8 vs. no F... 
Mark Levinson Nr.37 transport problems;-
I recall reading somewhere on the web about a reprograming sequence for the Levinsons, do a search, or perhaps someone knows the location and/or sequence. You may want to call Levinson about the sequence. I have a Proceed CDD which has had some st... 
What to do with dedicated power please
The digital should be segregated from everything else, preamp, amp and analog sources on the other line. A third and fourth line are nice to have but segregating digital and analog will get you most of the way there. 
need help breaking in speaker cables
Buy something like a Sonic T amp and some cheap speakers and use that as a break in. 
Is Bi - amping worth the trouble?
I've stayed away from biamping with different types of amps because of coherency issues. Even with steep slope crossovers you have some mixing of dissimilar amplifier characteristics. 
Summer Heat/Impact on System-Listening
I rarely listen during the day, winter or summer. The central air does add to the ambient noise, but so does the heater. The best time of year for listening is the spring and fall, no heater or AC. Ambient noise levels are a real distraction for m... 
NOS Tubes: Store 'em or use 'em
When I change components I always keep my stash of NOS tubes even if they don't use those particular tubes. You never know when you may return to a component that uses those tubes, and the price is always going up, keep them! On the other hand, yo... 
Power Conditioner for your amplifier?
I've preferred my amps running through various power conditioners (every model of Shunyata, PS Audio UO's, BPT 3.5 sig.) vs. running direct (this with segregated dedicated lines and grounds, 20amp, 10 guage). I have filthy AC, running direct destr...