
Responses from sns

First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
@dbb Cool! Love my Statement, even in complete stock form a great pre. You have to use Psvane WE101D's in order to extract maximum resolution, transparency, these best 101 tube out there, and I've tried many. The Linlai  Elite solid plate is also ... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
@melm I agree the subjective is far more important to me than the objectivity of some measurements when it comes to audio equipment, especially dacs. I rereading ASR 005 thread it just reinforced how objectivists don't trust their senses. I'm curi... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
I'm curious about how this dac would measure vs. 005, certain Musetec aware of ASR thread. Would they care about measurements with this dac knowing some make purchases solely on specs, others require both high measured performance and sound qualit... 
Are REL the most Musical Subs?
Rel's are unique in that they are meant to be used with the speaker outs on amps, this is the essence of why they integrate so well, the amp determines it's voicing to some extent.   As far as extension, Rel has several different lines, the No. ... 
The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD
I don't get the aversion to streaming if the intent of this hobby is the music. Streaming easily beats out any physical media for easy access and affordability. Between my cd's, vinyl, cassettes, reel to reel I probably have well over 10k physical... 
Are REL the most Musical Subs?
In my experience Rel subs easily most coherent sub I've tried, I'm running two and they simply act as extensions of my Klipschorns which provide strong in room response down to 32hz. Boom and spectacle in bass not my thing, for that I have Genesis... 
Digital Reclockers are they worth the extra Effort - IMO YES
Having high quality clocking within streamers/servers and dac negates necessity of external clocks.  
Is Recording quality the real culprit?
Excessive compression is easily number one culprit, luckily I don't listen to a lot of this overly produced drivel. Perhaps recording quality has helped subconsciously steer me towards less commercial artists. Still, I'd say unlistenable recording... 
The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD
@mapman Thought I was reading my own entries!   There is value to all the various means to playback music. I have turntable, reel to reel, two cassette players, cd transport, tuner. And I've held on to all my physical media,   Streaming becam... 
Do other DACs do this? Auralic Vega
I used a Vega for years, never experienced this and don't recall this being a Vega issue, something unique in your streaming setup causing this.  
The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD
Used to purchase cd's on weekly, nearly daily basis, then I found streaming. Continued to purchase cd's much less frequently, and then began to notice the online sellers I frequented inventory getting smaller and smaller, now they're gone.   I u... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
I've used 005 sans pre, and with Pass XP-22 and modded Coincident Statement pre's, somewhat threadbare with no pre. 005 easily exposed differences between the Pass and Coincident, and easily exposes differences with virtually every change I make i... 
First impressions of new MH-DA006, Musetec flagship
@dbb Wonderful review, covers all the bases. As you know I've also been enamored of 005 for a few years now. Based on technical details released per 006 not surprised by your impressions, the attention paid to power supplies and layout is really q... 
Recommendations for 20 amp electrical outlets
I've used a wide variety of outlets over the years. There is no single outlet that's best, these are subtle tuning devices that are best decided on once you've tuned system. Hubbel's mentioned on warm side, Rhodium far more neutral. I use a combo ... 
Listening to what we Like Instead of what we have to
Don't have any particular advice, but having the right combo of equipment can allow you to have a high resolution/transparent system that's emotionally involving playing a wide variety of music. I play virtually every genre from every era, includi...