
Responses from sounds_real_audio

looking for good detailed and warm player
Mr TennisI respectfully disagree. Warmth does not necessarily mean a loss of detail. It does however mean no detail at all. Rather good resolution. In other words, if you are hearing details, you are in that "analytical mode". I enjoy the "musical... 
looking for good detailed and warm player
I am not sure. Has anyone ever accused the Sonus Faber Extrema's of being warm. I would suggest you stop looking for a patch to fix your problem and just get a nice tube amp and preamp. Then not only will you have some warmth but also a more relax... 
tube amp / ss preamp configuration?
I think guys just get into SS for the power and then wish they had a bigger sound stage and more life like presentation. That is when they start looking for a tube preamp to give some of that "tube magic." On the other side if you have a tube amp ... 
Best tube amp for Wilson Watt/Puppy
That is easy. I would suggest either the Lamm ML3 Signature amp, (uses the Russian Ulyanov GM-70 tube) at $139,290.00 or the deHavilland GM-70's using the same tube at $9,995 
Bass, Frequency response, Etc...Noob Question
Och!!! I used to be a dealer for Reference 3A and used the mm de capos to party with. Great rock speaker. Keep in mind that you are after a speaker that can handle a lot of power without scorching itself. Also to much bass is much worse than not q... 
Build my own speakers?
You are absolutely correct. Most speaker companies do just that. Purchase pretty good drivers and "stick um" in a MDF box. I would go for some space age cabinet material like Aluminum or Carbon Fiber. These and other composite materials will be th... 
New analog system disappoints, please help
It is going to take more time. Just be patient and call us back after 100 hours. 
Zu Druids low powered tube amp or high powered SS?
Have no idea. Perhaps your expectations were too high. 
Tube Amp. Power ratings
Wake me when it is over. So much has been written. Should we have to suffer??? 
Best Monitors for Rock N' Roll under $2500
You should put the Reference 3A mm de Capo on your short list. no crossover---high sensitive (this means rock out) and they handle power like crazy. Great speakers. Better for rock others you mentioned. Great bass by the way. 
Seeking opinions on best amp match for Aerial20T
My god man. You have already spent a fortune on speakers. Shouldn't your dealer have told you you need to spend another fortune on amplifiers??? Don't look for any great changes from speaker cables or interconnects. That is spending good money aft... 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
You don't want to hang on to speakers for life. Life is to short. Technology is changing speaker design, some even for the better, so try some new ones!!!! 
Seeking opinions on best amp match for Aerial20T
Tvad --- Are you coming out to Denver for the Audio Fest in Oct???? 
Please help with speaker choices
Hi Peter. I have been following this blog for a little while. I think I made an entry myself early on. I just want to say to you that I am totally blown away by your gracious response to everyones blogs. You are a model of what civilized behavior ... 
Need Some Expert advice
I am clueless on this one!!!