Responses from stuartk
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking? For me, it's not been a component but Symposium vibration control products-- specifically their Svelte Plus Platforms coupled with Rollerblock Jr. + footers under DAC and transport and a Svelte Plus Platform mated to Precision Couplers for my inte... | |
What system would a robot with ears buy? @pauly:I was thinking the same thing but you had the chutzpah to actually type it out... | |
Chicago Transit Authority Here's the link to US shows selling through Ticketmaster... | |
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers: @bdp24:"I REALLY dislike music intentionally made to sound complicated, like Prog"My feelings exactly. I've listened to quite a few prog band recordings, on line in an effort to try to find one I liked. . . and failed. No-one can like everthing, r... | |
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers: @tomic601:I did a Google search and apparently I and Joy was bought out in 1995 and then, at some point, they closed. Too bad... it's not easy to find authentic bagels. I was a bagel baker for awhile and learned the traditional ways... Ironically... | |
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers: I lived in Glendale for three months in '74. . . that was enough for me! However, later on I did find something to appreciate in Reseda-- "I and Joy's Bagels". I'd often travel from Santa Barbra to Riverside County to visit friends and always mad... | |
How many of you are digital only systems? "As hard as it might be for some to accept, I don’t think analog is for everyone". Judging from the number of digital-only responders to this thread, it's clearly not! | |
Clean AC power "The power to my house comes from the pole on the road, then underground to a large box that I assume is a transformer. This supplies power to my house only: there are no other houses within 1000’. Does this mean that I am getting very clean power... | |
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers: @zerofox:"That said, I think what makes him and the Heartbreakers special is that they are simply a pure rock and roll band and most importantly they didn’t try to do too much - just well executed rock and roll".This strikes me as a fair/accurate ... | |
Returning to audiophilism after 20 years: a little guidance would be nice :-) "Since then I am happy to say digital has improved so much and is improving so fast that it is entirely possible it will approach entry level turntable level in as little as 5 to 10 more years. That is something I never thought would happen and sh... | |
Chicago Transit Authority @robert53;You're welcome!Even though I've never been a Chicago fan, I would pay to see Leonid perform the first album. | |
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers: @marantz33;"Love and respect to nearly every band mentioned here but just one listen to waiting for Columbus should put this issue to bed"Just curious: did you ever hear Los Lobos in their prime, live ? ? ? I'm a fan of WFC but Los Lobos were ever... | |
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers: That's Brunswick, Maine... down the road from Freeport. | |
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers: @bdp24:"And Los Lobos: Also in the mid-80’s I went to see Peter Case’s pre-solo career group The Plimsouls at a tiny "club" on Ventura Blvd. named The Garage (it was an actual garage, a converted car repair shop). My gal and I got there in time to... | |
Chicago Transit Authority The group is called "Leonid and Friends" If I were a Chicago fan, I'd check their touring schedule-- they really are excellent. |