
Responses from stuartk

Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?
For me, it's not been a component but Symposium vibration control products-- specifically their Svelte Plus Platforms coupled with Rollerblock Jr. + footers under DAC and transport and a Svelte Plus Platform mated to Precision Couplers for my inte... 
What system would a robot with ears buy?
@pauly:I was thinking the same thing but you had the chutzpah to actually type it out... 
Chicago Transit Authority
Here's the link to US shows selling through Ticketmaster... 
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers:
@bdp24:"I REALLY dislike music intentionally made to sound complicated, like Prog"My feelings exactly. I've listened to quite a few prog band recordings, on line in an effort to try to find one I liked. . . and failed. No-one can like everthing, r... 
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers:
@tomic601:I did a Google search and apparently I and Joy was bought out in 1995 and then, at some point, they closed.  Too bad... it's not easy to find authentic bagels. I was a bagel baker for awhile and learned the traditional ways... Ironically... 
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers:
I lived in Glendale for three months in '74. . . that was enough for me! However, later on I did find something to appreciate in Reseda-- "I and Joy's Bagels".  I'd often travel from Santa Barbra to Riverside County to visit friends and always mad... 
How many of you are digital only systems?
"As hard as it might be for some to accept, I don’t think analog is for everyone". Judging from the number of digital-only responders to this thread, it's clearly not!   
Clean AC power
"The power to my house comes from the pole on the road, then underground to a large box that I assume is a transformer. This supplies power to my house only: there are no other houses within 1000’. Does this mean that I am getting very clean power... 
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers:
@zerofox:"That said, I think what makes him and the Heartbreakers special is that they are simply a pure rock and roll band and most importantly they didn’t try to do too much - just well executed rock and roll".This strikes me as a fair/accurate ... 
Returning to audiophilism after 20 years: a little guidance would be nice :-)
"Since then I am happy to say digital has improved so much and is improving so fast that it is entirely possible it will approach entry level turntable level in as little as 5 to 10 more years. That is something I never thought would happen and sh... 
Chicago Transit Authority
@robert53;You're welcome!Even though I've never been a Chicago fan, I would pay to see Leonid perform the first album.  
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers:
@marantz33;"Love and respect to nearly every band mentioned here but just one listen to waiting for Columbus should put this issue to bed"Just curious: did you ever hear Los Lobos in their prime, live ? ? ? I'm a fan of WFC but Los Lobos were ever... 
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers:
That's Brunswick, Maine... down the road from Freeport.  
Marty Stuart on Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers:
@bdp24:"And Los Lobos: Also in the mid-80’s I went to see Peter Case’s pre-solo career group The Plimsouls at a tiny "club" on Ventura Blvd. named The Garage (it was an actual garage, a converted car repair shop). My gal and I got there in time to... 
Chicago Transit Authority
The group is called "Leonid and Friends"  If I were a Chicago fan, I'd check their touring schedule-- they really are excellent.