Responses from stuartk
Guitar playing audiophiles, Martin or Taylor? just noticed, the OP is from 2004… by now the OP’s wife must have played quite a few guitars…lol. D'oh ! | |
Dedicated CD Transport vs DAC In my experience, a better transport will simply extract more data from the disc. How much improvement YOU will hear, I can’t say. Consider the fact that the transport is first in the chain. With DACs, the sky’s the limit. The good news is that ... | |
Guitar playing audiophiles, Martin or Taylor? @rlb61 I can relate to your enjoyment of hi-end acoustics. I have a Boucher BG52GM, which I prefer to Martins as it is still warm but clearer in the bass without emasculating the bass like so many guitar makers do who describe their instruments ... | |
Six DAC Comparison @soix From my perspective, your rant is thoroughly justified! | |
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ? @bjesien The C7 brings me very close to that liveliness and detail without crossing over the edge. Good to know! | |
Six DAC Comparison "...a true gift. . ." , indeed -- if only professional reviewers were as comprehensive! I'm afraid you will now be inundated with requests to review an endless list of other DACs. | |
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ? @tjraubacher Based on what I am hearing the Hegel is a great match. So smoooooth and rich sounding. Maybe I'd like the Pulsars, after all. You are using the Hegel's internal DAC? | |
Do Harbeth speakers really need a 4000 damping factor? @ahal1 You are aware that Harbeth shows with Hegel, right? I very much doubt they would choose to do so unless they perceived a significant sonic benefit. Whether Harbeths require high damping factor amplification I can’t say. I can say that w... | |
New In 2024 @jafant RE: "For Everyman" I found the previous remaster harsh, ended up seeking out the original CD. I think I’ll wait awhile on this new one, see if anything comes up on S. Hoffman Forum re: comparative sonics, before I buy it. One of the th... | |
Six DAC Comparison @mitch2 Thanks for your further comments. Only you can make that decision for you Yes; of course. I wasn't asking for buying advice, if that's how it seemed. Other times, it occurs when the entire system reaches an equilibrium where all th... | |
New In 2024 Jackson Browne: "For Everyman" New remastering. To be released 10/04 | |
Six DAC Comparison @mitch2 You describe the difference between the less costly and more costly dacs in terms of a "bit" of this, a "bit" of that. I’m wondering how good a system must be to reveal these small differences. We are talking about the law of diminishi... | |
CEC Belt Drive CD Transports vs Jay's Audio CD Transports @no_regrets Pay no attention to @classicrockfan re: the Jay’s. Do pay attention to reviews and comments by those who actually use it. | |
Kris Kristofferson He managed to utilize extremely poetic language to describe painful/gritty circumstances -- not easy to do! ... I meant, it's not easy to do well. It's extremely easy to do badly! Another version of the same song: | |
Kris Kristofferson I’ve always loved his masterful use of imagery. He managed to utilize extremely poetic language to describe painful/gritty circumstances -- not easy to do! One of his classics: |