
Responses from stuartk

Guitar playing audiophiles, Martin or Taylor?
just noticed, the OP is from 2004… by now the OP’s wife must have played quite a few guitars…lol. D'oh !    
Dedicated CD Transport vs DAC
In my experience, a better transport will simply extract more data from the disc. How much improvement YOU will hear, I can’t say. Consider the fact that the transport is first in the chain.  With DACs, the sky’s the limit. The good news is that ... 
Guitar playing audiophiles, Martin or Taylor?
@rlb61  I can relate to your enjoyment of hi-end acoustics. I have a Boucher BG52GM, which I prefer to Martins as it is still warm but clearer in the bass without emasculating the bass like so many guitar makers do who describe their instruments ... 
Six DAC Comparison
@soix From my perspective, your rant is thoroughly justified!          
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ?
@bjesien   The C7 brings me very close to that liveliness and detail without crossing over the edge. Good to know!   
Six DAC Comparison
"...a true gift. . ." , indeed -- if only professional reviewers were as comprehensive! I'm afraid you will now be inundated with requests to review an endless list of other DACs.    
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ?
@tjraubacher  Based on what I am hearing the Hegel is a great match. So smoooooth and rich sounding. Maybe I'd like the Pulsars, after all. You are using the Hegel's internal DAC?   
Do Harbeth speakers really need a 4000 damping factor?
@ahal1 You are aware that Harbeth shows with Hegel, right? I very much doubt they would choose to do so unless they perceived a significant sonic benefit. Whether Harbeths require high damping factor amplification I can’t say. I can say that w... 
New In 2024
@jafant RE: "For Everyman" I found the previous remaster harsh, ended up seeking out the original CD. I think I’ll wait awhile on this new one, see if anything comes up on S. Hoffman Forum re: comparative sonics, before I buy it. One of the th... 
Six DAC Comparison
@mitch2  Thanks for your further comments. Only you can make that decision for you Yes; of course. I wasn't asking for buying advice, if that's how it seemed. Other times, it occurs when the entire system reaches an equilibrium where all th... 
New In 2024
Jackson Browne: "For Everyman" New remastering. To be released 10/04  
Six DAC Comparison
@mitch2 You describe the difference between the less costly and more costly dacs in terms of a "bit" of this, a "bit" of that. I’m wondering how good a system must be to reveal these small differences. We are talking about the law of diminishi... 
CEC Belt Drive CD Transports vs Jay's Audio CD Transports
@no_regrets Pay no attention to @classicrockfan re: the Jay’s. Do pay attention to reviews and comments by those who actually use it.  
Kris Kristofferson
He managed to utilize extremely poetic language to describe painful/gritty circumstances -- not easy to do!    ... I meant, it's not easy to do well. It's extremely easy to do badly!  Another version of the same song: 
Kris Kristofferson
I’ve always loved his masterful use of imagery. He managed to utilize extremely poetic language to describe painful/gritty circumstances -- not easy to do!    One of his classics: