
Responses from stuartk

Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ?
@tjraubacher  Congratulations -- I hope they're everything you're hoping for and more !   I'll be very interested to hear what you have to report about their tonality.    
Otis Gibbs elicites a great interview with Ray Benson of Asleep At The Wheel!
@bdp24 I’ve yet to read/watch any interview or biographical piece with/about the Dead that is consistent with this view that the Dead "copied" The Band. Garcia was playing Bluegrass banjo before he even picked up a guitar or contemplated playing... 
Happy listening in SoCal
Be thankful your provider isn't PG$E !  
Jazz for aficionados
@acman3 "Sweet" indeed! This one is going right to the top of my short list of CD’s to buy. Thanks! Here’s my attempt to repay the favor: 
Six DAC Comparison
@zlone  Your comments are much appreciated. Thanks!   
Guitar playing audiophiles, Martin or Taylor?
@bdp24 As you’re no doubt aware, Neil played a D45 live around the time of Harvest. I recall an interview with Ry Cooder in which he described his D45 as a "piece of junk-- only good for playing slide". For the record, I’ve owned two Martins a... 
Guitar playing audiophiles, Martin or Taylor?
@bdp24  I knew there had to be more! ;o)        
Guitar playing audiophiles, Martin or Taylor?
@bdp24  ... and Pete Townshend, G. Harrison, Dylan (at least he posed with one on Nashville Skyline cover), Rev. Gary Davis, Cat Stevens, Graham Parsons...    
Primare/ Vincent Adio /NAD /Rogue/ AVA /Hegel...- need a simple and reliable integrated
@gano  Oh... somehow, reading through the thread, I missed that fact.   
Primare/ Vincent Adio /NAD /Rogue/ AVA /Hegel...- need a simple and reliable integrated
@gano You’re welcome. The way I see it, there’s no point in banging your head against the wall. I’ve tried it and all it does is generate frustration. ;o) Have you played with speaker positioning much? This can definitely make a difference and... 
The Museum vs. Galleries
This has changed for me. When I was first exploring Jazz, for example, it was very exciting. It seemed like an entire universe was waiting for me to discover it and most of what I listened to was previously unknown and recently purchased. However... 
Primare/ Vincent Adio /NAD /Rogue/ AVA /Hegel...- need a simple and reliable integrated
@gano If only there was a "dating app" for audiophiles that would facilitate people with various gear to visit each other and listen to what they are interested in.... and might buy, it could be even more fun. This is one benefit of joining a... 
Six DAC Comparison
@zlone  I've been considering the Reuss. I'm curious what, specifically, you'd hope to improve by moving up to the DAC1MK ll.  
Primare/ Vincent Adio /NAD /Rogue/ AVA /Hegel...- need a simple and reliable integrated
@gano  Don't know whether anyone has mentioned TMR (The Music Room). They offer trial period/returns on their used gear and are reputable.  I believe Audio Connection offers these options on new gear -- not sure about used. Ask them.  Good luck... 
When I listen to my system.......
As soon as we turn on our equipment, we are NOT listening to music - we are listening to reproductions of music on our equipment. This is a FULL STOP moment. None of us are listening to music on our systems, which truly invalidates the performan...