
Responses from stuartk

End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance.
@mijostyn Now that you mention it, on occasion, when I’ve cranked the volume so I can hear it better in another room, I’ve noticed a fatiguing edge. I never turn it up that loud when in my listening chair, though.   
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance.
@mijostyn  All I can say is that I haven't experienced any noticeable link between volume and  sibilance at the levels I typically employ. Doesn't mean it's not happening-- I simply don't hear it. Sibilance might get worse at levels higher than 7... 
Jazz for aficionados
Revisiting Pharoah Sander's "Welcome to Love". If anything qualifies for the term "rapturous", this does. When I was young, I was drawn to atonality. This has changed significantly with age. I can't handle the abrasive Pharaoh at this point but th... 
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance.
@philliprcook  You may be right. From what I can tell from listening, it seems to be more a function of the material than the height change.   
Jazz for aficionados
I've just skimmed through these -- at first listen, I like them a lot. Will explore in depth. Cool discovery!    
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance.
@philliprcook  If the stands themselves had been shortened, then I suppose they would be more rigid. But that's not the case, here.   Now the stands are in contact with the hardwood floor, which certainly has more mass than the pavers, if that m... 
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance.
@philliprcook  I was thinking it had something to do with the pavers, rather than the height. If I lift myself up a few inches from my listening chair, so that my ear is positioned roughly where it used to be with pavers in place, I hear no sibi... 
Jazz for aficionados
@curiousjim  You're welcome!   
Jazz for aficionados
@curiousjim I originally bought it due to the Penguin Guide’s favorable rating. They are pretty persnickety. I haven’t come across any other all-acoustic sessions where he was the leader but then I can't say I've really done an exhaustive searc... 
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance.
@deep_333 Your interpretation is entirely off the mark. Maybe consider reading things a little more carefully before jumping immediately to erroneous conclusions.               
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance.
@toddalin Oh, they make a difference. It is just small and you can’t do any of these things in "real time" so that you can instantaneously go back and forth to actually "hear" the small differences. Sounds plausible. BTW, I have a glass cof... 
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance.
@audphile1 Thanks! @asvjerry Yes; the Silverlines sound fine. I don’t, at this point, see any justification in attributing fatigue or sibilance to them. I may look into replacing them, at some point, but for now, I’m more inclined to be guide... 
New In 2024
@bdp24 I"m looking forward to that one!    
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance.
@decooney Thanks. Life without music is a grim prospect! Now I’m back to enjoying listening with a system that has no glaring imbalances-- not a bad foundation from which to proceed when finances allow.  
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance.
@noromance I would, too but to be to honest, my focus has, so far, been on enjoying listening again. The fact that I had the same speakers, same stands on the pavers with different (less resolving) electronics and experienced no sibilance remai...