
Responses from tarsando

The Clever Little Sharp
At least we know now the level of 'seriousness' in these formum 'debates'. I.E. zero. This probably won't make it past the censor (er, the moderator). 
The Clever Little Sharp
"while you can"...I guess that would be equal to a listener's lifetime. Not a bad deal for $10 bucks. 
The Clever Little Sharp
Nothing 'pitiful' about casual auditioning procedures...no damn procedures at all, golly gee...just listening...I ain't runnin a lab aint writing a column ain't being a scientist...no sir! If I want scientific listening experiences I go get my ear... 
The Clever Little Sharp
Zaikesman...Given that music itself can be (non-)scientific and magical (for sure) if not 'self delusionary', is it any wonder that those of us with an interest in music might have inclinations along the same lines? I bought a clock yesterday, it ... 
The Clever Little Sharp
Bought one at lunch, like I said I would. It's in the trunk of the car. Have to tell you though, someone at Wal-Mart got wind of this impending fad because the PRICE HAD GONE UP. I paid $9.96. 
The Clever Little Sharp
Some guy selling a clock for a hundred bucks...I would never believe. This post by you.....priceless....I am going to go at lunchtime today and buy one (really). I'll let you know! 
Harry Pearson's comment on $600.00 Chinese CD
The old HP tease. Here's the very best you can get, except for something new I got and won't tell you about until you buy the next issue. 
cdp vs. dac
And if you add a jitter-reduction device at some point, it will diminish to some extent the importance of the player (used as transport). I think most bang for the buck is with a dac. Plus, they never wear out, which the mechanical players all eve... 
Vintage tube preamps: CJ or ARC?
Having never heard either brand doesn't keep me from saying go with ARC! 
DIY cables Vs Mass market cables.
Hmm... I (probably along with Pabelson, but speaking only for myself) wonder what the phrase "24 AWG" in the first response post means....Go and read it again? I imagine that we're just supposed to know that 'Fine Silver' speaker wires (whatever t... 
Itching for an SACD player
Although you may be itching for SACD, you also may be right in thinking there won't be much out there to scratch, and for me that would be a limiting factor. 
Midrange hiss....VERY slight...with my Dared pre
Do you hear it when nothing is playing? Can you turn the volume up high (with nothing playing) and hear the hiss better? The way you describe it, it sounds like certain frequencies 'cause' the hiss to appear, or like the hiss is 'riding' on certai... 
Herbie's Grungebuster 2 CD Mat vs Marigo's 3-D Sig
I owned one of Herbies. Never had the other. Herbies made a significant improvement. Only prob I had with it was because of its small size, it either stuck to a cd that I put away or fell off into the player. Either way, I LOST it! (I think I'll b... 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
I got tired of reading your post the second time through but I couldn't figure out what you were saying the first time through. Is it: speaker builders intentionally invert the phase of midrange drivers? And are you saying that Vandersteen and Thi... 
So You Think You Know Your Mozart?
I didn't even take the test and got 100!