Responses from tarsando
NAD C370 with Wharfedale Diamond 9.1's Or the new digital amps reviewed in Stereophile for $159 stereo integrated. Plus they're new. | |
A great article on Class D/switching amps An even better article in stereophile regarding a $159 digital stereo amp with volume control--integrated in other words and listed now in their recommended components. You can't go wrong | |
Is Digital actually better than Analog? Digital IS better than Analog because it's newer and uses computer chips which have proven so effective throughtout the world in multitudiness applications. If analogue was better they'd still be using tubes in computers and they aren't. | |
Is Digital actually better than Analog? But, re analogue waveforms and analogue wiggles in groves...music isn't plastic, music doesn't go round at 33 and a third etc. The argument for analogue from analogy isn't convincing. It's not hard (it's certainly not a logical impossibility) to t... | |
best cd player redardless of price Sony discman. If you can still find an original | |
cdp's you had glitches with Sony for sure...one of their cheap 5 disc sacd changers ...775? Raved about by JGH (!!) but he obviously didn't use it for long (if it was him..my memory just doesn't cut it anymore...but the lousy sony I'll never forget, and never buy another one)! | |
Passive Pre - No Regrets? I have found that a good compromise is a passive-aggressive preamp. It's kind of the best of both worlds, only more. | |
Can the plug on MDR-7506 headphones be replaced? As Bob Dylan said, "They say anything can be replaced"....the problem may be getting a new plug soldered on good and taped or whatever so it looks nice | |
Backing out of audiophilism for now It's not all about the music in this hobby. It's all about the music for music lovers. The vast, vast majority of music lovers are not audiophiles. It's about music and equipment or music and the sound of equipment, or just equipment. I can see ho... | |
Shakti Stones Do they actuall work guys. If you believe they work then I believe they work | |
Adding tube buffer to Rotel instead of............ Not having heard either the preamp or the tube buffer under question, I would have to venture a guess that the SF1 is a much better-sounding preamp that the Rotel/buffer combo would be. Convenience-wise, sure, go ahead. But sound-wise, not all tub... | |
Half the information on CDs is analogue Numbers are real too | |
I've found the cd player for analog lovers Well if it's only $19K or whatever--sure can't tell from the post--AND it beats analogue--I'll keep my Thorens TT and buy a car with the savings. | |
Optical or coax? My understanding is that if you are coming from a transport that has video capabilities toslink works better. I've tried both in several situations and can't hear any difference. But then, my ears are getting old. (My mind remains firmly planted a... | |
Fault in Complete Live at Village Vanguard 1961 CD I don't have the set you are asking about, but since you don't seem to be getting any response I'll tell you this in case it helps--I have the Coltrane 61 Village Vangard set and there are several places in this set where it sounds like there are ... |