
Responses from tasouli

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hi allBeen reading along with everyone's efforts here and glad the Jupiters are so promising. Bill. A few questions please. Where have you purchased your 100V (speaker rated) Jupiter caps from? I can't see them on Parts Connexion or the Jupiter si... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I'm assuming that to build a better inductor, you'd need to worry about better wire, larger gauge wire and resonance control - does that sound even remotely correct?I have a speaker manufacturer that has offered to do the job for me with his own "... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Salectricyour comment to Charles is reasonable, and similar to what I did in my speakers (replacing Solen caps with far better ones) and the result has been profound. The thing is, as Charles has said, many of us aren't here to research - we just ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Salectric:Actually, "bugger it" (another Australian expression lol), you rock! Thanks so much for all your free information and insights.To the forum:I reckon Johnk is a dealer otherwise he'd be "pissing himself with excitement" ( yet another wond... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
JohnkI'm sorry to hear you're out but, if I may be permitted a superficial observation to your comments on here, you seemed too vehemently one sided to me. I should add...... , you started off your messages by saying: "Thread is 6 years old you wo... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
JohnkThis discussion is all a bit academic. Are you looking for reassurance? If so, it's all in the previous pages of this blog.For my own part, the kind of mods I've performed produced results that were night and day different. In terms of differ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Whoops!Fair dinkum is what I meant to type. Lol 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
:-)We've all said it to one another. We've all made our own discoveries one at a time or together. Doing what we've all done here, modifying, carefully and using high end parts, has blown our expectations of what is possible through the stratosphe... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
BillThat's very interesting. Sounds as though you've been very thorough in your revision of the Dude components. Tell me, if you were to buy a new Dude preamp now, would the preamp builder include the parts mods that you've performed while they're... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hey Granny!!Glad you piped up. You are so responsible for my interest in the Dude.Tell me, what adjustments/changes have you made to your Dude since buying it? Have you placed CAST or Jupiter components in it?I'm using a PASS LABS X1 pre and have ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Vn101606I'm really interested to know what you mean by "positioning and support".Since I completely rebuilt the internals of my speakers, I have constantly thought about whether I positioned my new components in an optimal way. Love to hear your t... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hi folkswell, I have two points to make after today. Firstly, after seeing my HiFi technician, it appears my CD/DVD player has got direct couple outputs. (Well predicted Salectric!) No cap upgrades to make - in that area anyway. The important info... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
SalectricI hear you. Thanks!I am pretty sure - via anecdotal evidence - that this unit does have output coupling caps. I know of similar players that have had them changed.I'm booked in with a technician (audio modification is his specialty) next ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hmmm - some thought provoking information coming out. I knew you wouldn't let me down!Salectric - power supply filter? I really think you may be right. I believe the Nichicon 470µF caps are NOT the coupling caps. This player - Meridian 800 VAX V4 ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
SalectricYou have my absolute attention! Just before I go on, the Nichicon caps are 470uf NOT 47uf. Does that affect your thoughts here?They are small (in size) physically......not that that's relevant, I guess. In lieu of the 470 uf rating, would...