Responses from terry9
Thoughts on replacing caps in 30 year old speakers Stolen makes four basic grades of cap, in ascending order: metallized polypropylene (black), tin foil and polypropylene film (white), metallized teflon (blue), and tin foil and teflon film (green). They sound very different.Metallized poly is the ... | |
Just moved to an apartment need speaker suggestions One more vote for Magnepan. Or electrostatics. | |
Power conditioning from the ground up Jafant, to my knowledge the main advantage of industrial grade outlets is a very strong, positive contact. Think hospitals, with a string of cords hanging on one outlet. | |
Power conditioning from the ground up Consider an isolation transformer. Plitron makes a good one, good enough for medical equipment, and sells directly to the public. It's a spectacular deal.Then run 10AWG Romex to good industrial grade outlets, say $15 each from an electrical supply... | |
Back to it - Practical speaker upgrade I think you should make a point of listening to Magnepan speakers before you make your decision. Planar speakers like Magnepans and electrostatics sound different. Some people can't stand them - but I won't live without them. | |
Learning the hard way about AC power solutions I use isolation transformers from Plitron. Raw transformers are relatively inexpensive, but you need to have them installed correctly and inspected. Plitron also sells complete boxes. They sell direct.The electrical inspector said, "I used to wor... | |
Building a system from scratch (other than speakers) Pokey, as I said, it's for malfunctioning equipment and head banging owners. If your amp can't produce the signal, the protection circuit is superfluous. | |
Building a system from scratch (other than speakers) I should have added: perhaps the electronics are not optimal, but the SYSTEM is. | |
Building a system from scratch (other than speakers) Arising, I too have an ESL system. I had Quad ESL57's, then ML, now modern Quads.I have used tubes (good sound), and solid state (good sound). But here's the thing: ESL's tend to have circuits to protect them from high voltages caused by equipment... | |
Turntable for life Inna, I have not heard the Anna Log, but I took inspiration from Tom's idea of a non-standard plinth, which improved the Mentor no end. | |
Nordost Red Dawn "Flatline" interconnect Want to replace with a more musical sounding IC. I use Canare Star-Quad L-4E6S microphone cable in a high end system. With so many broadcasters and studios using it, how bad can it be? At $2 a meter, how wrong can you go? | |
Turntable for life I have used a Nottingham Analogue Mentor since 1996. Recently I upgraded the plinth, the motor, and power supply, and the tonearm to a Trans-Fi air bearing. It does sound very good indeed - the modern equivalent is the NA Dais (with the same beari... | |
Looking for a power cable upgrade Consider upgrading your power supply as a whole, with an isolation transformer. Plitron sells a good one. It can be noisy when it's doing its job, so putting it in another room is a good idea. | |
No bass with new turntable? Wetfeet, I like Class A. Profligate use of power, but commensurately clean sound. With ESL's you really hear it.[Heresy alert] By the way, my electronics are all solid state, full complementary designs. The electronics may not sound the best, but ... | |
No bass with new turntable? More about Bryston - the SST's were very musical, not harsh at all, and that in an all-electrostatic system. Now I have more clarity, but I could still be happy with a system built around Bryston. Recommended product, recommended company. |