
Responses from terry9

No bass with new turntable?
Wetfeet, I forgot to respond to your question about Bryston.I am using home-brew Class A electronics now, which is a big step up from Bryston, but I still remember both the 3B-SST and 4B-SST fondly. Bulletproof doesn't begin to say it. I accidenta... 
No bass with new turntable?
Hello Wetfeet.Yes, as I mentioned, a bit unstable on the subject. I use a commercial US unit from Germany, Elmasonic, with a motor driven contraption above the tank to turn the records. I get best results cleaning two records at a time, which give... 
No bass with new turntable?
Wetfeet, as for taking cleaning a step further, I am rather unstable on the subject. I do a minimum of 15 minutes of ultrasound followed by 3 rinses of purified water plus one of distilled water. The results are obvious: water beads and streams of... 
No bass with new turntable?
Me too Stringreen. I have lots of LP's that are as quiet as CD's, or nearly so.Wetfeet, I think that you made the right decision, whether you have lots of vinyl or no. The thing is to have clean vinyl. This quiets the noise and saves your cartridg... 
Amps which are Great, but either Unknown or Underpriced
If bulletproof matters to you, consider Bryston. 
Needle just gets stuck in a particular spot of the record ! What is going on?
Hello Inna.Have you tried Scotch Magic Tape, the translucent stuff? I cured a similar problem by1. locating the exact spot on the record2. cutting off a 5 cm piece of tape, reversing one end back on itself for 1 cm to form a non-sticky tab or hand... 
Koetsu RSP Sound Problem
I agree with Syntax. Koetsu's are extremely sensitive to set-up. My suspicion would be azimuth.I suspect that very few cartridges, even Koetsu's, have MC motors fixed into the bodies at a precision exceeding 1 degree of arc. After many hours of pl... 
$5k Upgrade
You might want to consider cleaning your records with an ultrasonic record cleaner. I built my own, for less than $5k, around an 80KHz German commercial unit (Elmasonic). Cleaning records at 50C and multiple rinses get me as much more music as a m... 
best value current production tonearm
Wntrmute2 is right. Make sure that things are level. A carpenter's level is essential, a Starrett machinist's level (8") is better. 
Mono Cartridge Zyx Airy 3 or Mayajima Zero
I use the Zero for mono. On the whole, it is very good. It is the clearest cartridge I have heard. Surface noise is low, so low that a few of my records, which I had graded as VG with a stereo cartridge, had to be regraded to NM on the Zero. Also,... 
Nottingham resonance control
Inna, I recently came across some data which suggests that Rosewood is superior to Baltic birch plywood, and to slate, but still much inferior to Panzerholz. I still like the idea of veneering Rosewood onto Panzerholz. 
Nottingham resonance control
Inna, you are absolutely right. The cones do reflect some of the energy back into the Panzerholz, where it can be dissipated as heat, and not transmitted, however indirectly, into the platter bearing. That is why I suggest a shelf of Panzerholz, o... 
Turntable set up- How easy is it
I was brought up on the conventional wisdom too - 100 hours or so, but I never did understand the mechanism. It sounded a lot like a practice from WW2 where riflemen from US and UK would exchange a single round (.30-06 and .303), fire it, and find... 
Turntable set up- How easy is it
Inna, according to Soundsmith, the mechanism of cartridge break-in is rather disconcerting. They say that a cartridge breaks in by twisting its guts to accommodate an imperfect installation. Certainly my Koetsu has not changed much, except for the... 
Nottingham resonance control
You want constrained layer damping to minimize the contribution of your motor to the signal. One layer tries to move against the next, but cannot - it is constrained. The result is heat, not motion. Plywood or slate does this. Brazilian Rosewood d...