
Responses from terry9

Need for Power Conditioning??
PTSSNo - they cost too much. I like to use 2x headroom, so use the more expensive component last. 
Need for Power Conditioning??
PTSSI put the isolation transformers nearer the pole. Also, they have at least twice the capacity of the CVTs which they drive. 
Need for Power Conditioning??
The power coming from most poles is anything but clean. I use industrial isolation transformers and constant voltage transformers, and they are superior to anything made for audio (anything which I have tried, that is). But, as Cox points out, the... 
Ssssh, is your tube preamp really that quiet?
That's why I went complementary toplogy solid state. The only tubes which were sweet and quiet in my gear were Telefunken 6922's from the early sixties, specially selected for H/P. And good luck finding those - they cost the earth fifty years ago. 
Great Trumpet Players and Albums - recommendations
For classical, I like Maurice Andre. Try his "Bach for Trumpet". 
$5k Upgrade
I second Chayro. Clean up your power. Not only do you want clean power for your amp, but the amp feeds garbage back into the line, where it can be picked up by your sources. Isolation transformers solve that problem, for considerably less than $5K. 
Hello Ptss.I can't comment on these, as I haven't used them. But I find that industrial equipment is often a superior alternative, because it must work, and work reliably too. Hence Plitron. I also use a CVT (constant voltage transformer) for my t... 
Best Midwoofers/Subs for Acoustat 2+2 electrostats
Have you considered the Magnepan subs? 
How effective is the ultrasonic V-8 lp cleaner?
I suggest DIY.All you need is an ultrasonic bath and a frame to hold a motorized spindle. If you are at all handy, it's not hard.That's what I did. I use a German Elmasonic machine, industrial quality, running at 80 KHz. Does 4 records at a time. ... 
Hello Ptss.I do not recall which conditioner I tested. The improvement of the conditioner ($4000) was so small, compared to the transformer, that I lost interest in testing more conditioners. I just went with more of what I had - transformers.If y... 
Best Speaker for classical music
Have you considered electrostatics? Way back in the 60's Mr. Walker of Quad recommended two pairs at right angles, but for my music room, 45 degrees is best, so I have two speakers at 45 degrees on each side. 
What about diamond cantilever/stylus combo
Hello Nandric.I have a Koetsu with the diamond cantilever / diamond stylus ground from one piece of diamond. The sound is superb - yes, like a Grand Cru Burgundy, as opposed to a new world pinot noir. I would think that this is, in part, due to th... 
Hello Ptss.I wrote a long response, which seems to have evaporated. The jist of it was, I tried an exotic cord and an exotic conditioner, but the Plitron Medical Isolation Transformer was by far the best. Also, you can buy factory direct. 
Hello Ptss.I am a big fan of isolation transformers, so I have been using them for about 10 years. Isolation from lightening, not to mention all the line garbage. When the electrical inspector certified my installation, he said that he had never s... 
Hello PTss.I like isolation transformers: better performance, lower price. Plitron makes superb ones.