
Responses from testpilot

Affordable SET's with 211 or 300B tubes, (2000 dolllars maximum)
Unfortunately 211/845 SET amplifiers are not cheap due to the transformers required.   
My Cary amp - the story of a hum and a bug
@fiftyfifty wrote....... I do grant that Cary Audio has responded to all my mails and have been reaching out to help resolve the issue. But on their terms, which are not acceptable to me. In their latest mail received yesterday, they have now agre... 
Buyer is claiming damage that was done by him!
What make you think that the damage was done by the buyer?   
LP12- Power Supply- Need education
@lewm wrote....Mijo, perhaps the modern or updated versions of the Star Sapphire are speed stable, but my late 90s Series III was anything but. That was my experience with SOTA as well. The Phoenix inspired 3 phase SOTA Eclipse motor is an a... 
Merlin VSM Users- Where is the "Warmest" Location of the BAM?
The best position for the BAM is between the source and preamp. The BAM will act as an impedance buffer but the downside will be it will only be inline with one source component.  For multi source systems, Bobby recommended inserting the BAM into ... 
My Cary amp - the story of a hum and a bug
Why not take Cary up on their offer to send you the “fix” if you pay shipping?  Sounds like you rather bash a manufacture than getting your issue resolved. As an alternative, why not purchase an amp designed and made in India that is compatible wi... 
Tice Power Block Rocker Switches
The front switches are used to lower or increase the power output. The setting combinations are printed on the meter’s face.   
Need to adjust the speed every time I turn on turntable
@mijostyn, I agree 100% with you, and that is what I dumped my origin live modified LP12.   
My Cary amp - the story of a hum and a bug
Trying powering up the amp with no interconnects connected to see if there is hum. Sometimes unshielded cables can cause the noise. If you are local to me New Jersey and can get the amp to me with their part to fix the issue, I will install ... 
My Cary amp - the story of a hum and a bug
Did you attempt to contact Bill Wright (Cary CEO) directly?  IME, he is a very reasonable person.  I just googled " Cary SA200.2 hum issues" and did not get one hit, is this really a well known wide spread issue, or perhaps an isolated issue to ... 
My Cary amp - the story of a hum and a bug
What happens if you disconnect the preamp interconnects from the amp?  Does the buzz still persist? 
Need to adjust the speed every time I turn on turntable
@mijostyn, speed drift is quite common with origin live dc motor.  See the faq https://www.originlive.com/support/hi-fi-problems-troubleshooting/dc-turntable-motor-problems/ 
My Cary amp - the story of a hum and a bug
Sounds more like a ground loop issue.  
Need to adjust the speed every time I turn on turntable
The Origin Live’s motor controller’s DC output drifts when cold and then stabilize once it warms up.  
Coincident Technology Dynamo 34SE MKIII
The Dynamo MKIII is now available on special order optimized for 300B output tubes instead of the EL 34 which is still standard. You are both right.  The amp can be special ordered with 300B output tubes.