Humming as health and relaxing practice must be done lips closed and the voice must stay on one note at a confort pitch level for the people doing the humming ... After some few deep slow respirations, we must hum 5 times to reap the benefits...Silence period between each hum as long as each humming ...
A simple way to decrease stress in 5 minutes sessions...And why not even reach God if our intention is setlled to do so...😊
In his book about humming Goldman describe all impact on the bodies...
When the heart and brain are synchonized, the heart had his own neural network as the gut has one too, when they are synchronized they are amplified; if we add our conscious intention and the vibroacoustic sound effect of the Humming or AUM on the body adding to this synchronization another level of amplification , anything become possible , better sleep as health or happiness experience or more ...
Even our dreaming state will be modified as the australian people said...