

Responses from tobes

Why are modern arms so ugly?
09-24-11: NandricDear Tobes, I need to 'shoot' at you. I understand the aestetical part of your statement but the Breuer is not a 'simple' tonearm. On the contrary. This tonearm as wellas the sibling Sumiko MDC 800 are the perfect illustrationhow ... 
Why are modern arms so ugly?
09-24-11: DertonarmDear Tobes, the Dynavector is the Lamborgini Countach in tonearm design. You'll find both in the museum of modern art. For good reason.As a piece of modern art, I can see where you're coming from - much thought has gone into the... 
Why are modern arms so ugly?
BTW Halcro, the Dynavector arm you mention has always looked ugly to me, I used to wonder who would want to own such a thing. (I'm talking about looks, I acknowledge that this is a fine sounding arm). Seriously, compare that monstrosity to the ele... 
Why are modern arms so ugly?
Graham arms ugly?I personally think they look great - I never got tired of the look and quality feel of my Graham 1.5T (which I owned for ~18 yrs). Sound eventually took precedence and I upgraded to the Phantom - whose look and feel are also super... 
Tube Phono Stage vs Solid State What do you think?
What don't you like about your current Modwright tube Phono Stage?It certainly looks like an impressive piece of kit and has some nice reviews.If it's bass that you're not happy with, have you tried the rectifier tube swap that Greg Weaver did in ... 
Why use a super accurate cartridge protractor
Thanks John, very informative explanation.One wonders why SME couldn't provide something similar(?).At least SME provide some detailed specifications with their arms (it's strange that some other designers don't make these details readily availabl... 
Why use a super accurate cartridge protractor
08-23-11: John_gordonBut importantly, it should be a TWO point protractor, not an arc, as you will have to make adjustments at the arm base rather than the headshell.Yes, I was forgetting that the SME has no adjustability to maintain a fixed pivot... 
Why use a super accurate cartridge protractor
That's easy with a mirrored protractor like the MintLp.There are (thicker) perpendicular lines on the arc at the two null points.Using a magnifier - and with the stylus resting precisely on the marked null point - align so the cantilever is parall... 
Why use a super accurate cartridge protractor
The advantage of the Mint over a downloadable arc or two point protractor is its precision.The drawn arc and null points of the Mint are very fine indeed and the flat mirrored surface allows you to adjust accurately to these lines (and of course t... 
Capacitors in Cary PH302 phono amp
I debated about posting this as it may be of limited general interest, but thought it may be of use to owners of the Cary PH302.Following Reb and Dover's advice above I finally got to swapping out the Cary Audio 1 oil cap in the PS of the 302. Whi... 
Mounting a Graham Phantom II on a VPI Aries 3
I've had a VPI TNT for about 22 years and for 20 yrs I've used Graham arms. Actually I've never tried the well regarded JMW arms, they weren't released back when I bought the table and I've just stayed with Graham (after switching from my initial ... 
Capacitors in Cary PH302 phono amp
Tom, my note on the temp experiment was meant to address Reb and Dover's concerns above - not meaning to draw any conclusion regarding your setup.That said, I have read some reports where users have stated the Mundorf S/O sound has changed after e... 
Capacitors in Cary PH302 phono amp
Interesting comments regarding the Mundorf S/O caps. I'm not hearing the same inconsistency with dynamics in the Cary phono amp. Perhaps the caps have degraded over time(?)The Clarity MR caps are supposed to be very good - if I were not getting su... 
Leveling Phantom I - armtube or headshell
....leveling the headshell sets the arm much lower than leveling the armtube. For a Phantom I, which should I use to get a level cartridge?I don't quite understand, the headshell and armtube run parallel to each other. When one is 'level' the othe... 
Capacitors in Cary PH302 phono amp
BTW, just for curiosity I'll run an experiment next weekend. I'm going to tape a temperature probe to the side of the Mundorf at the closest point to the tube. I'll monitor the temps periodically for 6-12hrs and see what sort of temp change I get....