
Responses from tomcarr

What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
The Hollies  
Vintage worth the time to explore?
Could be your room. It  will determine half of what you hear.  
Stereophile Scamming Subscribers?
+1 @dill   
Anyone prefer horizontal bi-amping their monos?
@re-lar-kvothe thanks for sharing the diagram. Clears up any confusion. "A picture is worth a thousand words".  
Speaker Placement and Toe-In
Others have posted that  toe-in/toe-out are more about the room than the speakers, or rooms that are more reflective/less reflective. That's not been my experience. My dedicated room is acoustically treated on all four walls and the ceiling, with... 
802 D3 vs 803 D3 vs Sopra 3 vs Sopra 2
Pretty sure his wife has changed her mind by now...  
System building advice needed
+1 @soix , but I would try a receiver (NAD, Denon, etc). My experience has been the room, setup and speakers determine the majority of the sound quality you will hear. Buy used and you can resell with little loss if you're not happy. I'm betting y... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
The Fixx  
Im looking for the next upgrade. I'm not real sure which way I want to go Help!
and +1 @fstein   
Im looking for the next upgrade. I'm not real sure which way I want to go Help!
+1 @jerryg123  +1 @knotscott  OP- the room and setup will determine AT LEAST 50% of the sound quality you will hear. Always dial in those first, THEN buy different gear if you feel you must.  
Flat Screen Television behind speakers
All the above suggestions are right on target. If you can, an acoustically treated dedicated listening room gives even better results.  
Why do my rolling stones albums sound bad?
+1 @tablejockey Agree completely. Every album I own I grade A,B,C,D based on sound quality. I don't have any Rolling Stones albums that are class A. Pity, since the music quality is so good.  
Advice? Less than $4k, solid state preamp, neutral to gentle
OP- compared to the Freya (with tubes), the Topping offered a little more clarity, and a little less bass "bloom".    
Advice? Less than $4k, solid state preamp, neutral to gentle
The Pre90 is dead silent and completely neutral.  130 dB S/N ratio. It won't take away or add to the sound. It replaced a  Schiit Freya in my system.    
Advice? Less than $4k, solid state preamp, neutral to gentle
The Topping Pre90 is class A rated in Stereophile. Reviewer Kalman Rubison bought three (!) of them for his system.