Responses from tomic601
What separate tube phono stage do you use ? Normally I would weigh in ++++++ as an owner of a Croft RIAA - RS single chassis wonder... but having two USA techs work on it and having sent it across the pond to Glenn himself ( who btw was and is an absolute PRINCE about diagnosis and repair (... | |
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer... +++++++ for LAST stylus treatment I sold a ton of SOTA + Jelco + Dynavector Ruby back in the day....many of them still running.....and the Gyrodeck :-)IF someone has a line on a well cared for Ruby and or AC-2, I would love a PMas for the RP-10, I... | |
Technical Network Streamer Question like Steve said.....but dont get overwhelmed and approach this as a project of refirnement done incrementally..start with a good, well supported stream with a great control application - for affordability, sound quality AND a stellar control app, ... | |
How much better is direct BNC vs adapter I have a Nordost Silver Shadow 2 which is terminated BNC on both ends, NAIM server is BNC but Aesthetix Pandora is SPDIF coax, so I use the adapter....IT sounds fantastic and is quite close to my reference AudioQuest Eagle eye which runs adapter f... | |
Aragon 8008x5 with Vandersteen 2w Johnny Ryes the new sub 3 is killer - have heard it here on West Coast i am a home theater idiot and shall stay that way, yes that was the sub I was referring toi would pair the sub 3 with my Treo CT except that i would get evicted....ha | |
Aragon 8008x5 with Vandersteen 2w on the subject of W vs. WQ I believe the W is more of a slam / bam HT sub, and the WQ is much more accurate..... | |
Aragon 8008x5 with Vandersteen 2w Vandy friends Helping Vandy it !!!!! | |
Music reference/ audio research / vpi Erici do the same picking up high quality castoffs for $100-$120 after a $750 MIT disaster cable.....hathanksJim | |
Basis Turntables: Worth it or Ripoff? hope AJ pisses on your shoes from heaven for fun | |
Basis Turntables: Worth it or Ripoff? but lets also ask what if anything you know about precision machining ?how about freezing rubber and precision grinding that ?????let me know your CNC skill level before you judge affordability | |
Basis Turntables: Worth it or Ripoff? OP are you really looking at a long discontinued 1400 or something now in production ??????what is your real budget ???????stop hucking rocks at a great company you seem to know ZIP aboutyes, I have real knowlege..I own a 1400 and frequently liste... | |
Music reference/ audio research / vpi @bdp24 asking for a friend with a RM-200 on the way....15 A IEC power cord ? recommended sanely priced cord? | |
$10k Speaker Cables?????????????? @bailyhillwould be greatly interested in your take on ND555 | |
$10k Speaker Cables?????????????? True story....govt: we might want to take the wings off this widget some day... can you make us some tools to do that ?contractor: assuming you will want the scalloped sockets and multiplier we use in the factory....govt: sure bid thatcontractor: ... | |
The nightmare of the cartridge buyer... Love love love my Lyra Delos and my all things Analog dealer Stereo Unlimited in San Diegopainless experience including demo in store on my table which helped clinch my decision to also buy a fantastic HRS baserobert spent a few hours putting my t... |