Responses from tomic601
Whats playing on your system today? @david_ten as a Lorca fan i hope you also enjoy Jim Harrison...I know I doZenyatta....I may have inhaled.....I do remember getting this the day it came out - I had a Hafler amp and Infinity QB with a Denon TT...smoking....might even have been wit... | |
which Audio Research pre-amp? I have a Ref5se and had a VX-R then VX-R Twenty running first Vandersteen 5a the 7’spretty magical comboi have heard the 6 in several very nice systems and gs as well but not isolated enough to understand subtlety between units.... good advice on ... | |
Suggestions on speakers Congrats on the Mc gear always great sounding IMO | |
Suggestions on speakers Without some range of budget, room and music preferences/ volume expectations a good answer is near impossible | |
Atma-Sphere in CO? @atmasphere I saw in listing by TMR advertised as mk3 | |
WHY DO SOME AUDIOPHILES THINK YOU ARE BRAGGING WHEN YOU ARE SHARING? @n80 cars and audio are the crack dealers trade secretcome drive my 996 X50 sometime....the first hit is free....after that, tires are on youbut i know what you mean..... sort of.... | |
WHY DO SOME AUDIOPHILES THINK YOU ARE BRAGGING WHEN YOU ARE SHARING? Comparison is the root of all unhappiness... somebody Godly, smart - possibly both said thatthere is always somebody with more money or perhaps even different priorities in life than you..... why worry ?@whart I just happen to be a soulless Germ... | |
High End Columbus, Ohio ? Jafantnotwo days planned in Columbus turned into one as I helped brother with his remodel projectran a sawzall for 8 hours..... not very musicalthen when in Columbus really did spend most of my time with friends who run the brewerythanks for askin... | |
Best vinyl purchases based on pressing, studio production, sound quality and enjoyment. Hiatt is a true mastertry to catch him with Lyle Lovett sometime...... | |
High End Columbus, Ohio ? I spent all my extra time at North High brewing !!!! | |
Best vinyl purchases based on pressing, studio production, sound quality and enjoyment. @asahitoro You found the greatest treasure of us all ! | |
Looking for an amp....Opinions about Odyssey or Bel Canto audio anyone? While the Van Alsine stuff is plain it is fantastvalue sonics and reliability wise..... | |
Best vinyl purchases based on pressing, studio production, sound quality and enjoyment. I took a thirty year hiatus from Vinyl, so I can somewhat relate to your journey Knollbrent... at retirement an audiophile/ fellow music lover gave me a Denon TT and I have since perhaps gone down a similar path... Since your initial post paramet... | |
Spike Recommendation for Vandersteen Model 5s Chat w Richardhe answers the phoneyou may want a longer 1/4 x 20 rod and extra washersthe lighter speakers ( model 1 ) actually use a Hilti spike but I would NOT recommend those for Model 5 - pretty massive speakereven the 85# Treo have the 5 spikes | |
How can anyone want more......Just a very happy listener. YesTeng.... I hate spell correct and my inability to proofread.... |