

Responses from tomic601

Need Preamp and Amp to Match Vandersteen 3A Signature Speakers
owned 3a sig for about 8 years. Hopefully you got the massive and essential sound anchors with them and are religous about following the IMO excellent Vandersteen setup manual. I would suggest a Leica Disto laser to make your measurements easy and... 
Room placement for Vandersteen Treo CT
Pete..never 2 late to learn to fly !!!!! 
Vandersteen Treo CT, Pair of Sub threes and Lyngdorf TDAI 3400
 @efoo  where in CA ? I am in Carlsbad w Treo CT 
Vandersteen 5
super good decisions Vandersteen is  hyper frugal Dutch engineer the things he sells reflect good value IMORandy is in SantaMonica and sells a lot of balanced gear, my 5a came from himgive a call he usually has several sets of used filters as cust... 
Vandersteen Treo CT, Pair of Sub threes and Lyngdorf TDAI 3400
good call OP !!!!!I have Treo CT fairly close to the wall 14” and they sound fantasticrunning them with a 40 WPC Naim ampthe sub three would be devine but get me evicted !have fun, go slow, build a relationship with Vandy dealer and they will help... 
What are you streaming tonight?
Albert Collins- Ice PickingAllison Moorer - Mockingbird 
I love Neat Acoustics Iota Explorers. What compares to them and is more budget friendly
you might call Eric at Gig Harbor Audio..they carry Neat and I am sure he might be able to help w recommendations great guy, great shop...they have beer 
What are you streaming tonight?
safe travels Uberwaltz......Delta, may have built a jet or three for them.....FLY high !!!!Streaming Tony Joe White ( RIP) on Tidal - Rain Crow...funky and very bluesy...freaking awesome..... 
Spectral and Apogee owners only please with full respect pertaining to this request
as a past owner of stages and having worked ( long ago at both a Spectral and Apogee dealer ) finding many owners of both will be rare as hens teeth....perhaps you already know this....i would put money into the apogee filters rather than a passiv... 
Vandersteen 5a carbon vs 5a
The upgrade path is marginally workable with freight both ways, new drivers, crossovers, and the hand tuning each speaker gets in the anechoic chamber - extended to original owners only for a good reason.good as the scanspeak drivers are, the cost... 
Vandersteen 5
Randy at optimal in Santa Monica would be a good contact for RCA filtersyou need to know with certainty the input impedance the filter sees from your adapter and the amp, I doubt conflicting advicefactory is open today, Nathan knows this stuff in ... 
How thick should the front baffle of speakers be?
 @elizabeth  you can fix your baffle issues with Mye stands....ha 
What are you streaming tonight?
Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue.....via Tidal 
What are you streaming tonight?
back in Surf City....where I reply more on Tidal..streaming Banga by Patti Smithjust finished Gillian Welch - Soul Journey....not sure what comes next.... 
How thick should the front baffle of speakers be?
the near reflection free driver patent ( Vandersteen) just expired...