

Responses from tomic601

Vandersteen 5a carbon vs 5a
i owned the 5a for five years or so. A great speaker and certainly a hyper good value at the $9-12 K range you see them being sold at....yes I have heard the 5a carbon as well and find it sublime.I own 7 mk2 with the M7 amps as well.the carbon fib... 
Tonearms: Ripoff?
I think once we figure out the design and materials of his posting design, we can spam the universe....with heady questions about:wineviolinsyachtslotus sports carsducati bikes78 recordsany number of serious topics,,,i will take aerospace billit f... 
What are you streaming tonight?
Joni - Miles of Aisles..... from the server....next up on deck : Los Angeles Guitar Quartet - ditto 
JBL 4319...The Big Easy
my prep school roomate had L-110 and I had a pair of Infinity Qb.... they each had virtues....we bought  a 210 wpc Phillips amp to wake up the JBL’smy brother in law has an ancient pair of 100’scrank it up !!!! 
What are you streaming tonight?
@uberwaltz.  dna testing....easy $100opened up a world of distant cousins....anywaylistening to Wayfaring Strangers - This Train off the server...maybe Kinks next... 
DAC's....Ayre versus PS Audio
Charley had an ear !,,,, 
Vandersteen TREO CT's with Pass Labs XA60.8
while i am a big big fan of Vandersteen powered bass, Treo properly setup will shock ya... 
Cost of Shipping Records
i just shipped 5 x boxes of about 25 discs each via postal service media rate$18 from Carlsbad California to Seattleboxes 14”x14” x5” 
What are you streaming tonight?
well I guess Lowell and the white painters coveralls is on the out now.... dangturns out I am 73% Welsh....the rest is muttly.... 
Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT Setup Questions
Even with my big vocal ribbons in a larger space there is floor and ceiling bounce which get encodedeasy to hearbut reverb and other tricks can get things out of control also... I call it Ten feet Tall Diana Krall.... 
Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT Setup Questions
A Leica Disto ( or similar ) should help you document exactly where the speakers and your chair should be.... my blue tape on the floor never seems to survive long.... 
Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT Setup Questions
Point of clarification: the 7 do not come with a laser jig, that is part of the dealer kit for setting up the 7 
Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT Setup Questions
How wonderful ! 
Vandersteen TREO CT's with Pass Labs XA60.8
Eviction level SPL 
Vandersteen TREO CT's with Pass Labs XA60.8
Have not heard this but I run mine with a 40 WPC Naimit is a condo so eviction level sold is never a goalI have heard the Treo CT with 50 wpcMac gear up thru 120 WPC Rogueall lovely but I am biased with three pair of Vandersteens....