Responses from tomic601
Ayre MX-R Twnenty instead of Audio research Ref 250SE .....a great question....both the ARC and Ayre are top notch with slighly different virtues....I chose a VXR-Twenty but it was close...heat also ruled the day for me....some say the VX-R is better than the MX, perhaps due to ground plane issues, n... | |
Any love for Rogue Audio Apollo Dark monoblocks? like @mr_m i have heard them driving both Vandersteen Quattro and 7 - excellent soundgive Bruce a call at Stereo Unlimited in San Diego a call...he carries many amps, will give you unvarnished input | |
Room placement for Vandersteen Treo CT @skyscraper.....also you can get the wood you want...i remember you are a woodworker, no ?... mine are in Ambrosia Maple ( beetle) but you can pretty much get anything you can pay for...... | |
Room placement for Vandersteen Treo CT I have the Treo CT in a 33’ x 15’ x 9 ‘ room. You can see a photo in virtual systems...several thoughts:this Vandersteen was designed to be place close to back wall = true mine are right at 13” and have staggering image depth.the port is on the bo... | |
Richard Vandersteen at Audio Connection oh ya.....and they make very unique power amplifiers also...only 5 parts in the circuit path......M7-HPA and the brand spanking new M5 due out soon.....1.2 KW on tap...i am sure enjoying Natalie Merchant...perform live in my living room......circa... | |
Richard Vandersteen at Audio Connection i will dip into the fray.....the 7 mk2 get great show after show reviews for a reason......they sound great. Are they everyone’s cup of tea? no. but the technology, execution, quality, design principles all trickle down the the $1,300 a... | |
Reasons iMF !!!!! | |
Looking for speaker recommendations Low WAF means a ton of $$$$ went into crossovers and drovers, veneer while pretty consumes $$$$however you cannot pick two more different speakers....flavor changes are understandable.....consider a pair of Vandersteen 5 and run them with rear twe... | |
For those of us over 60.. Retired at 55ELP -Lucky Man.....ha | |
Seeking listening help in Austin area 700 x probability of failure.....make mine tubes....but what a cool experiment ignore anything I wrote.... | |
Help me pick from my sub-$1200 shortlist the DH220 is a fantastic amp and is capable of running Vandersteen model2 with incredible bass control...what big city are you in ? | |
Music Server - The Search Begins Inuos makes a $999 unit and as several of us have mentioned Alma music in SanDiego | |
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers i would also encourage you to head South and visit Alan at HiFi Buys in Atlanta...... | |
Two Against Nature-What is your reference recording? Just about anything from DigitalAnalog Disc Blue Note recorded by RudyAnalog high speed half track - Jacinta - Tribute to Benor just about anything by The Tape Project | |
Music Server - The Search Begins Alma Audio in SanDiego wants to move the demo, it is 1 TBbut you need a NAS anyway....unless you feel charmed....... |