Responses from tomic601
Bestmatch the NAIM group on FB is pretty global and reflects fairly wide range of speakers successfully employed...some faves the usual UK lines, Focal, PMC, etc..i have a 40 wpc Atom driving Vandersteen Treo CT with what I think are sublime | |
MAC Autoformers? i am rebuilding a set of ESL63.... to learn but also listen to....will start out with a rebuilt MC240 ( which probably has the best transformers available in 1961 !anyway, my mentor Richard Vandersteen always says run it on the best sounding tap”b... | |
Autoformers, The Benefits in matching amp to speaker Roger - echoing the appreciation for joining this community and hopefully you will see value and continue.i worked atProgressive Audio and we carried the Bev 2, magic when they worked !!!!Eric @bdp24 - thanks for the reference to the videos and th... | |
narrow and wide baffles and imaging great thread has me reading some old and new papers and thinking about ( anything is possible with a third Margarita and some good Jazz ) brushing up on my partial differential equations......wellmaybe not....can we agree humans can hear + / - 5 d... | |
Have you ever changed speakers to expereince a different "soundscape" or presentation?? @electroslacker i love radio paradise !!!!!! | |
High order crossovers but to be fair, probably why RV puts powered subs in his high end gear and also sells powered stand alone subs with a unique high power high pass system and filetrs for the main amp.your results may vary.....I stopped mucking about with kits and a... | |
High order crossovers since 1977....... | |
High order crossovers with outstanding reliability...IF you have a decent amp it is pretty difficult to blow up a pair of model 2quarter million pair sold, so somebosys ear brain likes em...again it is a system, plent of engineering goes into the custom scanspeak drive... | |
narrow and wide baffles and imaging Duke: hence my blackart comment... much harder to figure out with reliability psychoacoustics than the more or less well understood physics... Werner H not withstanding....perhaps it is useful to think of the large baffle as a 180 degree Horn....a... | |
Have you ever changed speakers to expereince a different "soundscape" or presentation?? chasing your tail with flavors..unless you have a true ( but faded ) reference back to the origional event...this realization came in evaluating some planer ribbons vs. my trusty time and phase coherent box speakers.....( i shall keep it brand agn... | |
High order crossovers good advice, go listen to any top rated Vandersteen or Thiel or Dunlavey for that matter....they are all very sophisticated designs using top notch drivers, components and cabinets....the filter is hyper important...but the system, and system engi... | |
narrow and wide baffles and imaging agree that real engineering is about managing the trade space...however IF we are interested in moving forward instead of creating new flavors, perhaps we can agree that lower distortion is better ? | |
narrow and wide baffles and imaging @audiokinesis reflected wave off baffle creates constructive and destructive interference, seen as amplitude..... | |
Why do Asian looks for old Wadia CDP at high price? the model 17 is a brick s-house of a fantastic a to dbuild quality !!!sonics | |
Help with advice for high end speaker cables for my system! My amplifiers came with speaker wire.... off topic... I know....easy to test the zip cord downgrade theory as you already have the Monsteragree on Cable company - what a great and effective business modeli use a variety of wire: Mogami in the mobi... |