Responses from tomic601
Popular DAC that is known for its warm-ish sound? The chip is important but many many other things must be done right.... my listchip or no chip ( a ladder DAC can be built using an array of very high precision resistors, most chips but not all are delta sigmafilters... what measures good may not... | |
Music Server - The Search Begins Bluesound allows external NAS my generation one powernode can see and read my NAS with 2,800 CD on it....i would suggest you get a 4 Bay NAS, start with 2 drives in a RAID and host ROON server on a 128 ssd drive in bay 3or ROON Odyssey + box and a... | |
ARC Ref 75se owners i had one on loan while my SS amp was being updated, as Mr Rutan says BALLS !and perhaps the best midrange ever ..sweetenjoyIF you do learn to solder buy a good iron | |
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers well with a decent wood working shop you can build your own diffusers in exotic woods...I love the look of RPG..your room will be better than 90% out there because of the ceilings...check out Rudy Van Gelders studio.......what state are you in ? | |
Help me make a decision! Turntable overload Black or Bronze but setup is hyper criticalskills, tools, test records, ears....only one is self proclaimed | |
Spectron Audio Out Of Business? @clio09 has it right a fantastic organization with very active event calendar call Brooks Berdan Tech first as he is only in certain days...Wednesday/sat come to memory but a call will confirm | |
Help me pick from my sub-$1200 shortlist Vandersteen VLRadd the sub later | |
Factory checkup just before selling... Ask for paperwork and or call the manufacturer- these are generally very small firms and recent service will be remembered.....i am currently sending a rare phono preamp across the pond so it’s creator can not only repair it but give it a clean bi... | |
Popular DAC that is known for its warm-ish sound? The CJ ($2k)is out of production as is the MSB Analog ($7-10k)the Ayre QB-9 can be found ...$2k even less for non dsdpandora w CD is a Romuluspandora new is about $6ksig $8k ishthe Lami you got right, I stole mine lightly used for $1,400 w Tube po... | |
My impression of Pass Lab XP-10 (with respect to Conrad Johnson 17LS) Jim TDunlaveyRichard Vandersteen the list is not longOf course time and phase are both important.... the science of how people hear tells us this...congrats on the ThielsRe preamps - high end Audio like most things esoteric is all about diminishin... | |
Spectron Audio Out Of Business? Brooks Berdan Tech is amazingin Monrovia | |
Phono Stage Recommendation $3000 you have IMO one of the best SS line stage on least give the Ayre phono a shot... | |
Popular DAC that is known for its warm-ish sound? @jriggy yes!!!!! i should have mentioned the Lampi Amber II at a wee bit over $2k new is hyper good....mine on loan to brother, he loves it...his system Naim Unitiserve SSD into Lampi into ARC SP15 into Threshold T200 running Vandersteen 3A sigha... | |
My impression of Pass Lab XP-10 (with respect to Conrad Johnson 17LS) m@andy2 my tube recommendations not based on fixing everything just improving what you have....Nelson certainly makes a fine very listenable SS preamp.....have you heard an Ayre ? | |
Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers @ieales...right on !!!!! |