

Responses from tomic601

Atma Sphere deserves praise
 looks like the dealer link on the website is not working...FYI Ralph 
Atma Sphere deserves praise
@gdnrbob i have them in mind for a pair of ancient Quad ESL i will be rebuilding.....part of my learning journeybut if i ever replace my ARC preamp in my reference system I will be sure to give Ralph a shot  
The Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin passes away
true geniusheaven must be rolling in the blues today, blues with eternal soul.... 
Atma Sphere deserves praise
a class act that is the real deali see the OTL kit amps in my future for sure 
Vandersteen Treo CT
Well in the ensuing weeks and months Tim, Mike and Richard Vandersteen have all been over for a glass and or dinner and. long listening session......big fun...biggest suprise is the 22 wpc Line Magnetic is up to the task !!!!!! sweet midrange also... 
Quad ESL-63 and low-powered amps; Sun Audio, Atma
@montaldo contact made, will most likely send them....kid and dog frying voltages floating around.......ha.... 
SOS: Andy Bowman - Vintage Tube Services
love Andyno BSbought a slug of stuff from him 2 months ago 
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs
i am rebuilding a set of Quad esl 63 and will probably try a Rythmic sub along w a Vandersteen 3@noble100 not running you off, new thread seems to be thriving.... 
Speakers under $5000 maintained a reputation for quality sound over the last 15 years.
vandersteen, Magnepan, Sonus Faber for sure.... 
Amp upgrade from Ayre V-5xe
i think Charlies reputation as as engineers engineer and music lover is unassailable..especially by the mouthy peanut gallery 
Another Speaker Recommendation Request
Treo wood are IMO stunning....have a look at my condo system pictures in virtual systems.....but hey, to each his own....the old Quattro cloth is a reflection of famous Vandersteen frugality....the pretty cabinet would have displaced powered bass ... 
Quad ESL-63 and low-powered amps; Sun Audio, Atma
@atmasphere I am hoping to build your kit monoblocks someday, perhaps to run the 63@montaldo yes i have tried calling twice today, no answer, no voicemail- it is summer...i sent an email....nice website, boards, etc...certainly looks like expertis... 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
are we helping the OP ? 
Listening to equipment at home before you buy
I have no business relationship w ACknow him by reputation as a3 pair of Vandersteen owner 
Listening to equipment at home before you buy
+1 for John at Audio Connection, he is IMO a zen master and often visits customer homes to wring the last ounce of performance out of a system. He as a Vandersteen dealer is also to be trusted to know what amplifiers to pair with your model 2oh an...