Responses from tomic601
Spike feet protectors Given structure might move a bit, I would be inclined to experiment you might find a corner placement best for floor stiffness, failing that close to a vertical wallhave fun ! | |
Mellow speakers for a digital piano To paraphrase dont shoot mei am just an audiophilewith a piano gig on the side | |
Vandersteen 2CE Signature Speakers Work the speakers, setup setup setup !!!!!!!and the room w modest treatments and then cables.i actually own a shotgun bi-wire set of the Canare and have used them with Apogee Stage , Cornwalls, Vandersteen 1cithey are pretty good, especially for t... | |
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs Interesting ......RV might be the only designer who cares about phase....the 11 EQ frequency were picked for probable room nodes, not 1/3 octave or every 10 HZfor those with M5-HP: the 7 filters while not inexpensive do offer an upgrade pathyes in... | |
"Bookshelf" speakers designed to be placed near the wall behind them? Custom Sound Anchorsnuclear attack survivable welded stand !!!! | |
"Bookshelf" speakers designed to be placed near the wall behind them? VLR with carbon tweeter coming soon !!! | |
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs “RV is hard on the wallet”...omg that is funny, I will let the frugal Dutchman know....funny ( pucker story ) when our 7’s were being delivered the truck driver had to surf the pallet jack with brake down a short but steep section of the street. A... | |
Have You Ever Owned QUADS? Ha....great posti also moved from a set of KEF ( 104 ab ) to 57’si worked at a Quad/KEF/Vandersteen/Apogee/Acoustat/Soundlab/Beveridge.... etc dealer, so I know the 105.2 very, very wellPremier 3 and MV-45avery nice but as you say... missing somet... | |
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs Dr Timlove the brain salad surgery! | |
Vandersteen Sub woofers v Rythmik Subs Accused fanboy but IF you are running Vandersteen mains, the whole shooting match of Sub and Main have been developed to work together especially impulse FFT in the Anechoic chamber....RV ( on the way to Munich ) would probably emphasize the analo... | |
Loudspeaker for second system IMO an excellent ELAC dealer is Alan at HiFi Buys in Atlantaawesome ancillary gear and many other brands of speakers to compare withno business affiliation, just a many time happy customer | |
Speaker recomendation Dear OPhopefully the net effect is help from this communityhow is your search going ?jim | |
Speaker recomendation We might have a similar space / issue....have a 36’ long x 15’ x 10’ to 9’ sloped feiling with wall of windows cantilevered over view of Puget Sound ( So drapes and acoustic treatments on those windows ain’t happening- we opted for a mix of Totem ... | |
Vandersteen 2CE Signature Speakers Accused Vandersteen fanboy and advocate weighing in, I own and enjoy 3 different pairsbut i also own and enjoy planars and horns...The demo you got included some great gearalways have to wonder on setup but let’s assume any competent Vandersteen o... | |
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy? Science and the science of how we hear are as yet imperfect...... like Baskin Robbins, a wide sample is best before deciding on that single cone....better to get paraphrase some desert wisdom:Life is uncertain buy many speakers firstwo... |