

Responses from tomic601

Vandersteen Treo CT
found myself in San Diego at Stereo Unlimited yesterday - caught the Treo CT with Rogue Integrated ( upgraded model running KT120 Tubes) and an Atoll CD player playing Thelma - To Know me is to Love me...Cables by Nordost.sweet, sublime, musical..... 
Vandersteen Treo CT
good try Mike.....sounds like Vandersteen is pretty busy and we are collaborating on a wild veneer - Ambrosia Maple...so they may take a bit to get here - but you never know....also this is a new listening room for me to tune but hey diving in is ... 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
pmaru77you might call The Music Room in Colorado, they are fantastic and will resell. You will not likely net as much $$$$$ but you will also go thru a LOT less hassle 
Vandersteen Treo CT
ekimgthat would be great funcouple of months as we rip out floors and remodel 2 baths...please stay in touchjim 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
Ja_zzcan you send me a pic alsojimtrish247@yahoo.com 
Are you getting ridiculous offers from new members
Few Economists I know would equate a Chord Dave with two hamburgers in anything but desperate times !!!! 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
the tilt can be found from the manual !!!!!which you can down load from the Vandersteen websitefor freeyou need to follow isoquant lines depending on two important variables: distance from acoustic center of speaker and height of your ears in the ... 
Merry Christmas: Free DIY 2-Way High End Monitor
Merry Christmas to you ! 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
i called the sage of Hanford..left a message..you might be on your own till Tuesday, ( put that on repeat in your CD player )if by some crazy chance I get an answer will post it up 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
gently lay speakers on sides and Tuesday take a photo / email / call Vandersteeni have never setup Quattros but have 5a and 7 and this does not seem right.... which may also explain your sellers loss of the missing cones.... 
Vandersteen Treo CT
I just went thru both the Treo and and Quattro manuals.the setup differs only in the setting up of the low frequency equalization/ level set of the built in subwoofer in the Quattro. The Quattro would do better w 22 wpc as they have a built in amp... 
Vandersteen Seminar at Audio Connection (NJ)
almost worth moving there to meet you guys 
Vandersteen Treo CT
i have owned various Vandersteen models for 30+ years including currently 7 mk2IMO they are neutral, musical and boxless sounding..i have a pair of Treo CT on order for our winter get away place....room is 15 x 32 x 9i dont listen that loud and in... 
Vandersteen Seminar at Audio Connection (NJ)
right on Beetle 
ARC Ref 5se inferior to LS28?
docknowso in your system a fully broken in LS and REF 6 are 10% different