Responses from tomic601
Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions coolkeep us in the loopi have a pair of Treo CT on order | |
Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions gritter2coolkeep us in the loopi have a pair of the Treo CT on order in a wild ( well I think it is wild ) Ambrosia Maple veneer - I plan to start off running the LFD cable I spoke of.......your setup thoughts and room tuning exprrience will be va... | |
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7 try a Vandersteen VLR to discover what is missing if you dig LS50... | |
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7 try to get the signaturesVandersteen ran a trade promo recently that may have put some old model 2 into dealers....but IF you can swing the signatures you will find them pretty incredible..... | |
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7 tend to agree with Tom on model 2..... with a strong caveat - imo you need a rock solid amp to control the low end ( which is formidable) on the 2 | |
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7 Otto - good for you - thinking it thru...there is a growing cadre of fine dealers who carry both Maggie and Vandyif you can build that false wall it would help for sure.....i am a female vocal junkie myself....the 7’s are singing with some sweet L... | |
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7 Otto - good for you - thinking it thru...there is a growing cadre of fine dealers who carry both Maggie and Vandyif you can build that false wall it would help for sure.....i am a female vocal junkie myself....the 7’s are singing with some sweet L... | |
Info needed on ADS L1530 speakers. to the prrson trying to sell try the ADS Facebook group also....that speaker is thought highly of in those circles.... although maybe not at $1 k | |
Rogue Cronus Magnum II, but I have depth constraints.. They run really warmbut they do sound quite might try VTL , used might hit your price point | |
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7 Vandersteen, but I am biased having sold them many moons ago and currently have 7’s and Treo on ordermany Vandy dealers will demo the 1 with a NAD, Marantz or other value oriented integrated amp, and it will sound great.the Maggie’s have many virt... | |
Vandersteen Treo CT Hey Timya man !!!!that is a go to disc for me, the Harry James - King James is awesome 2i May add a sub later IF my neighbors can be bought off with Cabernet..... | |
HELP PLEASE - VPI Classic Signature 3D Arm or Dr. Feickert Woodpecker Jelco Arm anybody put a Triplaner on the Woodpecker ? | |
Synergy problem oh....and I am pretty biased..but keep the core ARC gear... | |
Synergy problem better cart and then you will have a better idea on the Klipsch....trying to stay positive there...i do have a set of Crites upgraded Cornwalls in my garage....they are..well......loud.HanaDynavectorOrtofon blackmaybe a Grado...magical midrange an... | |
Speaker Sensitivity AND Power Requirements how big is the man cavewhat and how loud do you listen ?what speakers are you using now ? |