

Responses from tomic601

Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions
coolkeep us in the loopi have a pair of Treo CT on order 
Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions
gritter2coolkeep us in the loopi have a pair of the Treo CT on order in a wild ( well I think it is wild ) Ambrosia Maple veneer - I plan to start off running the LFD cable I spoke of.......your setup thoughts and room tuning exprrience will be va... 
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7
try a Vandersteen VLR to discover what is missing if you dig LS50... 
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7
try to get the signaturesVandersteen ran a trade promo recently that may have put some old model 2 into dealers....but IF you can swing the signatures you will find them pretty incredible..... 
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7
tend to agree with Tom on model 2..... with a strong caveat - imo you need a rock solid amp to control the low end ( which is formidable) on the 2 
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7
Otto - good for you - thinking it thru...there is a growing cadre of fine dealers who carry both Maggie and Vandyif you can build that false wall it would help for sure.....i am a female vocal junkie myself....the 7’s are singing with some sweet L... 
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7
Otto - good for you - thinking it thru...there is a growing cadre of fine dealers who carry both Maggie and Vandyif you can build that false wall it would help for sure.....i am a female vocal junkie myself....the 7’s are singing with some sweet L... 
Info needed on ADS L1530 speakers.
to the prrson trying to sell try the ADS Facebook group also....that speaker is thought highly of in those circles.... although maybe not at $1 k 
Rogue Cronus Magnum II, but I have depth constraints..
They run really warmbut they do sound quite lovely...you might try VTL , used might hit your price point 
Vandie .7 vs Maggie .7
Vandersteen, but I am biased having sold them many moons ago and currently have 7’s and Treo on ordermany Vandy dealers will demo the 1 with a NAD, Marantz or other value oriented integrated amp, and it will sound great.the Maggie’s have many virt... 
Vandersteen Treo CT
Hey Timya man !!!!that is a go to disc for me, the Harry James - King James is awesome 2i May add a sub later IF my neighbors can be bought off with Cabernet..... 
HELP PLEASE - VPI Classic Signature 3D Arm or Dr. Feickert Woodpecker Jelco Arm
anybody put a Triplaner on the Woodpecker ? 
Synergy problem
oh....and I am pretty biased..but keep the core ARC gear... 
Synergy problem
better cart and then you will have a better idea on the Klipsch....trying to stay positive there...i do have a set of Crites upgraded Cornwalls in my garage....they are..well......loud.HanaDynavectorOrtofon blackmaybe a Grado...magical midrange an... 
Speaker Sensitivity AND Power Requirements
how big is the man cavewhat and how loud do you listen ?what speakers are you using now ?