

Responses from tomic601

Whats playing on your system today?
The new Mavis Staples: IF All I Was Was Black.....digging it bigtimenext up Dylan: Trouble No More 
Bluesound Node 2 vs. Auralic Aries Mini
great news, sales = ongoing support and hopefully s/w upgrades..... 
Mod my Citation amps?
Mike Samra in Saginaw is also top notch and a Citation guru 
Leather couch, leather love seat or single wooden chair
Stickley leatherreclinei aimed the Vandersteen using the laser at both spotsshe gets TV w Sonos in another room 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
gdnrno kidding i chat with him most every weekhe would say listen to them for sure !!!!! 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
gdnrRV said this about the autoformers in my Mac 202...move on and never look backhe may actually have been more directit has been like 7 years.... 
Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions
looks like Clear Day plans to be up and running Januaryyou are welcome to borrow the 12’ LFD i mentioned till you can get his cables....thin spades are good, you want what is called a gas tight connection stacking is acceptable but you will need t... 
Bluesound Node 2 vs. Auralic Aries Mini
Stereo Haven another full line dealer announces it 10/18/2017....my guess is ??????? 
Bluesound Node 2 vs. Auralic Aries Mini
full line dealer Advanced Audio in Tacoma....selling out of them and the associated linear supply...not the only place I have heard this but owning one, I am glad they are continuing it !!!!!! 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
gdnrbob.....all part of living in the spon cycle...i hear ya, if my lil mac240 wont run the treos I will build out a set of Ralphs kit amps..... 
Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions
“all Zobel networks are already incorporated in the crossovers”RV 
Bluesound Node 2 vs. Auralic Aries Mini
starting to wonder if you really are a red blooded capitalist if you dont celebrate and embrace chasing diminishing returns....haI have both a gen 1 Powernode and an Aries Mini but with the linear supply....and have heard Node gen 1 and Mini with ... 
D'Agostino vs. Ayre
well ??????????i traded in my Ayre for Vandersteen amps 
Vandersteen Treo Speaker Cable Suggestions
Cardas makes fantastic products that typically pair well with Vandersteen.LFD fairly rare here in the USA but you might try it as you have some of it now.i have a set of LFD biwire in 12’ that i used for a time between an Ayre VX-R Twenty and Vand... 
Newbee building a retro sound system from scratch. DCM speakers
DCM = Drug Capital of the Midwest, founders said so with a very straight face at CES ( when high end was at the Drake)we sold many many pairs and even carried the subs which paired very well. Ran many on Hafler DH-200 but also sold some w PS Audio...