Responses from tomic601
Cry for Help! DEAD Mark Levinson 335 ship the boards to ML | |
Outrageous used pricing on older McIntosh forgot to add I still have the 240... yum... | |
Outrageous used pricing on older McIntosh have you heard what a Mac 240 can do ? minty they sell for 15 X new.My dad shelled out $199 for the demo amp in 1965. It is vintage 1961.Value determined by mkt for sure. Is there a MAC bubble ? Maybe.Just bought MC250 from Berdan's " private stas... | |
Afraid to buy new speakers Larson | |
So you've just heard speakers that blew you away sold the Stax ? that may have been a mistake...finding a dealer you trust and knows your system AND room is important.great dealers just loan you stuff to try...some things work, some do not. | |
Need help...Rotel or Parasound amp for my Vandesteens model 2 sig? Cyclopsruns the heck out of your SteensBro in law has same speakers, Odyssey and a Bluesound vaultamazing SQ ! | |
Back in the 80's and 90's Audio Research and Conrad Johnson i sold and delivered one of the first pairs of Prem 2 and 3 back in the day. They were VERY involving and the depth of image far exceeded ARC gear it replaced. I eventually owned a 3 and MV45-A with Quad ESL that was incredible sounding. I think C... | |
Audio Research Ref. 3, Ref. 5, or the Ref. 5se. Got it and on it ! Will advise how it sounds vs. factory, which I replaced about 100 hours ago w another factory ARC tube. | |
A little help please the top ten Vandy dealers in the country are all cut from Rutan cloth :-)The Quicksilvers can be magic with Steens ! | |
Audio Research Ref. 3, Ref. 5, or the Ref. 5se. tushima1what is a 100% ge ? | |
Audio Research Ref. 3, Ref. 5, or the Ref. 5se. There is a REF 3 at the ARC dealer in WA DC for $5k..... | |
I'm considering used Vandersteen Quatro the odd dimension placement makes any speaker sound better and you can always use the meter and a test disc to tweak for room nodes at listener position. The Vandy manual is a tour de force for proper setup... | |
Another Best sounding room so very true...Randy has a great music collection at home. I bought his 5 a in Rosewood. He was running them with Quicksilver monos..he is a prince..Analog guy..tons of records.... | |
Audio Research Ref. 3, Ref. 5, or the Ref. 5se. maybe they were stunted giants Taters.....Hansen <Ayre> has some interesting things to say about the sonics of skipping the pre but he sells a few preamps.Best sound I have heard from a Wadia ( which was incredible BTW) was thru a CJ GAT....... | |
Aesthetix Signature Atlas monos vs ARC Ref 210 monos for mbl 101's that is indeed a dilemma..most of my time w 101 was with Musical Fidelity AMS amp...a beast of an amp...sadly exp with 210 is low bass drive and definition lacking. mids great but obsoleted by new ref and especially ref se.the Aes... |