

Responses from tomic601

Ayre Codex DAC-pre to power amp
badriHappy is the ultimate goal and it sounds like the Codex is delivering that. Keep us updated as you listen more.JD 
Vandersteen 5 / Quatro Owners--anyone adding a third sub?
Important, very to use vandertones, they are on the EQ freq centers and i believe ( not confirmed ) adjust for the RS meter.in essence calibrated.I would reset using that first then add the sub...as you say, you have it !I love unvarnished....I ta... 
Vandersteen 5 / Quatro Owners--anyone adding a third sub?
why ? Was my first thought..as- a former 5a owner and now 7's...i never wished for another sub..How well setup are the 5 ? I assume you have Vandertones ? And the RS analog meter and picked locations using the excellent manual?Have you over equali... 
Vandersteen 2w or 2wq's
Even tho your placement option are limited you can still download vandertones and buy the analog meter shack spl meter and tweak sub location to tame humps and suckout....You will be suprised how unflat your room is..every room...This will of cour... 
Ayre Codex DAC-pre to power amp
Badrisorry it is on Ayre user group page. when I just looked at it my posts are visible but not Hansens..odd. Gist of it was I asked If I might be better to run DAC w volume control into amp vs thru my REF 5 se. His answer was sound would suffer.C... 
Can a apple airport express be part of a audiophile system?
i use it to stream 320 KBPS to a Naimunitiserve for Radio Paradise only..it sounds OK for what it is thru my DAC Aesthetix Pandora SIG. I have no plans to run higher rez thru it. 
Vandersteen 2w or 2wq's
i happen to be an Audioquest fan. I am sure others will weigh in on cables. Low of AQ and Richard Vandersteen share the DBS patent. 
Ayre Codex DAC-pre to power amp
check out ayre FB page..rather lengthy thread about NOT running a dac into pwr amp..Charlie thinks the pre route is BEST...i agreebut your ears can tell you 
Vandersteen 1C's to replace Paradigm Studio 40's??
the new   i version Steen with sound anchors throw an incredible image..borrow those first.... 
Vandersteen 2w or 2wq's
Soular Energy..Ray Browndo not be caught placing speakers without it... 
Reel to Reel uses -
thanks NormanThe digital vs. analog experiment will be fun.what are your top 5 mics to look for used and what do you use them for ? 
Reel to Reel uses -
love this thread BTW..thanks for all posts..i may have sailed over the edge... 
Reel to Reel uses -
Revox B77 mk 2 with IEC board, just got it. Like others have Opus 3 tape on way..collecting bits needed to record live..have access thru church to some incredible talent..blessed. plan is Ayre A to D then direct to drives so i can compare analog t... 
I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
I have Brooks MC -250, he liked it enough to collect it... 
Thiel Owners
use the Vandersteen manual to pick locations. very similar design philosophy w Jim. ignore the tilt, taken care of for you w sloped baffle, but the slope creates the limit of the 9-12' ish sweet spot. just design trade...