

Responses from tomic601

I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
I have Brooks MC -250, he liked it enough to collect it... 
Thiel Owners
use the Vandersteen manual to pick locations. very similar design philosophy w Jim. ignore the tilt, taken care of for you w sloped baffle, but the slope creates the limit of the 9-12' ish sweet spot. just design trade... 
Vandersteen 2w or 2wq's
the 3a sig which i owned for a decade put out significant and high quality bass...tuning to room involves some work but so does any speaker..the manual is a great place to start. Do you have a Vandy dealer nearby ?you might also invest in an analo... 
I have Noticed..
but it is only for ego driven Rolex fanatics.. 
Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?
listen firstthen vote with your walletmy only ARC component is a REF 5 se, they say the 6 is better.my real brick and mortar dealer will loan it to me..listen, decide, repeat...Oregon, should have kept that SoCal beach community house...what is no... 
I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
i forgot mamas G550 with 110 k has Never been to the shop except routines...but she tends to not whale on the apex.....i also forgot to rail on Ducati...even tho I cant actually go fast on a real road racing bike... 
I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
Bozak, Rudy would certainly beg to differ that Marantz was your only choice.but he created something..so he was in the ring so to speak.the critic who has not created..well I think Teddy said that best..dealer did you wrong wrong by selling to you... 
I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
Taters..starting to like you more.... 
When I have seen people listing their systems lately
Mapman I agree and do same..love the server when it works ( NAIM)..keep the Cd as a third backup after the RAIDmy ten year old mac Cd with a killer cable to same dac is not even close to the server RIP in WAV...but to be fair the server is 2 X the... 
When I have seen people listing their systems lately
" from the hoods in the hoodto the shiny white kidsboring"Joni Mitchell 
When I have seen people listing their systems lately
what a boring world it would be..just what I need..each according to their need... 
When I have seen people listing their systems lately
grounded on the sandbar of reality..Imagine IF your fave artist just worked on what you needed... 
I've Noticed Lately That There's Threads About Being Noticed Lately
only IF he has Palin as his VP... 
Vandersteen 2w or 2wq's
the Q IF you can put filter between pre and amp or if your integrated as this feature.spend some quality time at Vandersteen websitethe FAQ section under supportThe line level preserves amp transfer function and will result in better sound.I had 3... 
Preamp recommendation with odyssey stratos and vandersteen 2c's? Or, other possibilities?
Nice lil Audire Legato pre for sale at used shop in University district Seattle...$289They also have a Tandberg 3000 series for a whisker over 400 ( ask).. that is a very fine hyper quit pre w excellent phono stage..IMOI have no relationship to st...