

Responses from tostadosunidos

Dumb Head Phone Question
Dsper, for a cheap thrill get one of these--you should be surprised, if not amazed, at the quality of sound. I use it with my Senn 600 and AKG 701 headsetshttp://www.amazon.com/Bravo-Audio-Ocean-Headphone-Amplifier/dp/B00A2QKSVI/ref=sr_1_1?s=elect... 
Dumb Head Phone Question
Sennheiser also makes microphones, lots of 'em, so they are not a dedicated headphone company. That said, I love my Senn 600 phones. Most folks favor the darker, warmer 650 model. I have not heard the 700's. I have a very inexpensive headphone amp... 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Puddles Pity Party, late June. You've got to see this 7-ft. tenor clown perform once in your life. Very different--great covers, good entertainment. Worth every penny and every minute spent at the show. 
RIP Jillian Johnson The Figs
You need to study the history of the US. There are isolated incidents of government intervention that are cause for alarm, but no one is trying to take your guns away. Quit acting like a fool. Or move to Texas, you'll be in good company. We've got... 
Best Female Vocalists Ballads
+1 for Kat Edmundson. Bdp24, do you mean Stuart Duncan on fiddle--or maybe Bryon Sutton on guitar? 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
I would wager the actual sound (not the rated watts) of an AC-15 is louder than a Fender Deluxe. I have owned both. 
Disturbing "Sonic Trend" showing up on SOTA audio
I think speakers are better than they were pre-1980. Am I off base? 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
I think Chuck gets too little credit from the average person and average guitarist for his contributions. I have no doubt that folks like Keith and Dave appreciate him. I'm sure he was their idol. Chuck's songs are mini-wonders. Each one tells a c... 
Some Musical Truths
That same hillbilly also sang "'cuz if you mind your own business then you won't be mindin' mine." 
Early Music aka Historically Informed Music
Okay--if Pitt is in the top five US orchestras, which of these are not: NY Phil, Cleveland, Chicago, Boston, LA Phil, Seattle, Minnesota... 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
Chuck set the standard for how to play rock and roll guitar. His style stood up for ten years till Hendrix defined the sound of the future. Chuck's stuff holds up even now IMO. An under-appreciated American musical hero. 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
I've taught that lick to kids a lot of times--there's at least as much of Chuck in there as there is of the other guy. 
Johnny Winter
I saw Johnny once in the 80's and once in the 90's--wish I'd seen him in the 70's. He was an amazing player and an inspiration to the younger players. Best thing ever to come out of Beaumont, TX, that's for certain. 
Why Listen To FM Radio For Music Anymore At Home?
Why? For a change of pace when I don't feel like selecting from my own library. If I don't like what's on I go to plan B. I also like hearing the local music news on air. 
Why not accordion ?
For a real treat listen to the Ry Cooder medly of "Viva Seguin" and "Do-Re-Mi" on his live album. Flaco Jimenez is perfect and the whole band cooks.