
Responses from trelja

Want to experience tubed CDP?
John, I think you are making the right choice by skipping us losers for Vegas. Yes, we'll definitely have other opportunities to give the Granite a shot.By the way, The Doctor owns the Jolida and an Audio Aero Prima that he got used for even less ... 
Want to experience tubed CDP?
Hello, John. I guess I didn't notice this thread until now.I'll be bringing along my Granite 657 tube variable output CDP to Geoff's on May 21st. Hopefully, you'll be there, and have a chance to check it out. 
Samsung Hd841 or Toshiba 4960 modifications
Thank you for this update, Audiosu! Hope that the player continues to sound better and better as it breaks in. Wish you good luck with it for the long term.One question I have, if you please? I have a stock Samsung HD-841 that I will eventually mo... 
Platinum solos need repair
If you get no satisfaction from the above suggestions, please give Bill LeGall at Millersound a call at (215) 412 - 7700. Best speaker repair guy in the land, and will work wonders in rebuilding your drivers back to new condition for a suprisingly... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
Though my own sensibilities lie with Roy, and the very cogent points he put forth, I want to make it clear that as Jeff Joseph basically said, there's more than one way to skin a cat. Jeff's speakers have established themselves as fine a loudspeak... 
Opinions, Is this better for the Members?
I think I can't add much beyond what those who favor the old system except to say I agree with them 100%. Dump the new system. 
Trelja in New York - 2005
Phil, I would appreciate being able to visit your store. If you were able to produce this level of sound out of these rooms, I bet you really have some great things going on in your store. 
Trelja in New York - 2005
Spencer, you really should get up to NYC next year! Anyway, hope you'll be there in two weeks. It should be a most interesting meeting, with my Lowther PM6Cs in Geoff's cabinets. On the other hand, you may have been a bit disappointed with the vol... 
Trelja in New York - 2005
Thanks for all of the feeback. Always an interesting thread, mostly because of the submissions of our fellow Audiogoners.SatToTheStars, I think our opinions agree 99%+. Yes, I did see Gingko on the 3rd floor, but from the e - mail Vinh sent me a w... 
HE 2005 Show Reports Thread
Maybe my opinions will not match those of most, but I felt the MBL room was one of the poorest in terms of interface/match between the room and the system. Don't get me wrong, I respect MBL a great deal, but there was just too much system (amp and... 
An Extraordinary Find
Thanks for your comments, Joe. I'm going to push for a Philadelphia get together to hear the Frieds.I'll be there in NYC Friday and Saturday, perhaps we'll run into each other... 
An Extraordinary Find
I can empathize with what you are looking for, Dodgealum. I think you also made the very wise proviso that you are used to the Harbeths, and that often seems to color our perceptions of listening to new equipment. As much as I could be called out ... 
What is the best high efficient monitors under 1K?
Agree with both of the above recommendations, Coincident Triumph and Von Schweikert VR-1.My buddy and I spent a couple of months going around and trying to find a sympathetic pair of speakers for his very low powered amp, and they were the only tw... 
An Extraordinary Find
Hmmm...If the speakers Joperfi heard at this year's CES event, they are the production ones. Again, there is continuous improvement, but I believe it has been quite subtle since January. I am sorry that you didn't like the sonics. As you stated, I... 
Jadis/Spendor system
Having lived with this amp for about five years, I think you need to look at a different pair of speakers.Also, the amp sounds much better with either JJ KT88 or E34L tubes. Much sweeter and alive.Personally, like with any amplifier, I have found ...